Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union or "Dis"-State of the Union? That is the question

Oh politics....

I know...I know...I am trying to refrain but these guys are KILLING ME!

I am not sure what to talk about first......

Maybe Newt Gingrich's reaction to the statements made by his second ex-wife regarding his request for an open marriage.  I think Jon Stewart already did a pretty good job of this one......

Or maybe the tax returns released by Mitt.  Hmmm....we have a president saying raise MY taxes and a nominee basically saying "Yeah I paid under 15%....and" 

Once again thank you Jon.....

Or maybe Jon Boehner's "sunny disposition" at the State of the Union last night  (I will take the comment on this :).  Can you even imagine sitting behind the president of your company (let alone the President of the United States) while he was on national television looking like John Boehner did last night (regardless of how you truly feel about the guy)?  No, because like every other American you are too worried about the unemployment lines.

Oh and last but not least.....the Republicans choice to end their "response" to the State of the Union on the subject of....LIGHT BULBS!!  Are you kidding me?  With the current economic state of our country and ineffective state of our government, having the right to choose between efficient and in-efficient light bulbs is the LAST thing on our mind.

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