
Know us and know chaos.  If something crazy is going to happen, it’s bound to happen to one of us....if not both!  One thing we truly have in common is calamity.  In the eight years we have known each other we have had the combined insanity of: 3 premature babies, 3 NICU stays, 3 preeclampsia pregnancies, 4 surgeries, 3 layoffs and to top it off Cancer. 

We even met under “interesting” circumstances – i.e. crazy boss.  One SO crazy he got 5 members of management to quit in a single day walk-off.  He was known for his tirades of “You’re a bra burning liberal.....insert profanity her.”  Little did he know that Heather would NEVER go without a bra.  Now Jody, on the other hand, has had her fair share of braless days J. 

While calamities are a common factor, the lives we lead couldn’t be any more different!  Heather the full time business woman and mom living the FULL and BUSY life in the city.  Jody the full time mom living the chaos called LIFE in the UC (Utah County aka. “Happy Valley”). 
Together we bring you the adventures of life from two very different perspectives....

Stay tuned...we are redefining business as usual.