Just about 11 years ago, I found myself swamped in a career that I was not happy in. Long hours, a lot of stress and not enough sleep. One day I was sitting in my office; another miserable day, stacks of paper on both sides of me - I looked up at the photo I had on the wall across from me. It was of the Eiffel Tower. One of my favorite places in the world. Something about that photo that day made me question where I was. I certainly wished to go there again, and the schedule I was keeping wouldn't allow that. On top of that, I felt like any sort of creativity left in me was being sucked right into stacks of paperwork.
I thought to myself, "If I could have done or been anything I wanted to, what would that be?" I decided that the funnest job in the world (to me) would be Interior Design. I decided right then an there that I was headed back to school to do just that.
I quit shortly after and and followed my creative side.
When the recession hit I had my own Interior Design business. The recession has not been good to design (like so many other fields). But, I was one of the lucky ones at the time. I was able to go work for an Architectural Firm. I'm the Marketing Director there and really love what I do. I still have my business and am able to do side jobs here and there.
Stick around. I'll show show you the projects I am working on. The fun stuff.