Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oh Billy......

Billy the Exterminator that is.  Indiana is OBSESSED with this show (and him).  Not a proud parenting moment, but just a tad bit hilarious I have to say.

Her daddy loves these kind of reality shows (unfortunately): Billy the Exterminator, Wild Hogs, Swamp People (you know the hillbilly shows :).   I myself am not a fan.  Little Indiana however is a true hillbilly tomboy at heart. She absolutely loves Billy the Exterminator and when you ask her what she wants to watch she will say "Billy" almost every time.  Not Tangled or Cinderella or Little Mermaid.....nope it's "Billy".  

***Parenting disclaimer here, she is not allowed to watch this show by herself, she only gets to watch it with her dad.  She loves to see the animals that he catches (and most of the time relocates) and the main TV time she gets is USUALLY PBS kids or "child appropriate" subject matter :).***Okay I feel a tiny bit better about my parenting skills now ;).

She also has just a little crush on him, which makes me TERRIBLY worried for what kind of guy she will bring home in the future :).  Her daddy will say "Do you want me to call Billy?"  At first she said "No dad".  Well, the shy phase has gone and now she will say "Dad call Billy...please!"  I also caught her talking to her "boyfriend" (on her play phone) last night saying "Hi Billy, I really like you".  I laughed for a good five minutes at least! gotta' love 'em!  

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