Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Redwood Drive-In Theatre

What could possibly be more All-American-Summer than a Drive-In?!
I don't know about you, but I think Drive-Ins pretty much rank in the top 5 things to do to celebrate summer.  Vacations, Swimming, Camping, Drive-In and Mojitos. 
Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?
It's really a shame that there aren't many left  :(
We happen to be lucky enough to have one within 30 minutes of our house!

We took M to her very first Drive-In this weekend.
We actually tried earlier this summer, but the drive was just a little too long
Not this time!

She LOVED it!
She was so excited to watch a movie "OUTSIDE MOM!", while sitting in her princess camping chair!
See that bag behind her?  Yep, full of candy.

I can't tell you how many summer nights were spent at this Drive-In when I was in High School.  SO many good memories! 
It was fun to start the tradition with M.
Drive-In, Redwood Drive-In, Redwood Drive-In, Summer, Drive-In, Redwood Drive-In

1 comment:

  1. Heather, you will not believe this, but I....have not.....taken my kids to a drive-in movie ever! Sad but true. Thanks for the reminder. Looks like you guys had a great time. Next time invite us. That bag of candy looked stuffed full!
