Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Making Room

I once heard a woman lecture on how to get something that you want.  Sadly, I don't recall her name, or I would be sure to mention it here.  And, while I don't remember her or much of what she said that day, I often think of one point she made.  She said that "if you want something you must make room for it in your life."  She gave the following example:  She had wanted a grand piano for a long time, but her husband had no interest in one.  Every time she would mention getting a piano, he would say, "Where would you put it?"  Well, after many years of this, she decided to make the room for it.  Even though they didn't have extra money in their budget for a piano, she sold most of their living room furniture and left a large empty spot for the piano.  Her husband was surprised by the open space and would comment on it every time he saw it.  I'm sure that you can see where this story is headed.....Yep, she wouldn't fill the empty space with anything until a grand piano filled it.

Now the woman telling the story implied that there was something "cosmic" to making space for those things that you want and the "universe giving", which is probably the reason I don't recall her name.  As a Christian, I don't believe in new age stuff.  But, the point was intriguing.  Essentially, if you don't make the time or "room" for something, it's simply not going to happen.

Making time and room for things desired has been a topic of conversation with Jody and I for some time now.  In fact, it seems like the theme to many discussions (especially business) over the past several years.

If you've been reading our blog for awhile, I'm sure that you've noticed that we typically have A LOT going on in our lives.  A WHOLE heckuvalot.  "Too many irons in the fire" comes to mind when I think of mine and Jody's lives.  It's our M.O.

With the new baby, new house, remodeling the new house, trying to sell our old house and going back to work I haven't had a whole lot of time for much of anything else.  To avoid a summer without any fun, the hubby and I scheduled a few days for just hanging out.  We had a great time in Park City for the Fourth of July (even though fireworks were cancelled due to all of the wild fires in Utah), and headed back up there yesterday for some time in the mountains at The Canyons Resort.  We took a gondola mid-mountain and did a little hiking.  It was beautiful! 

So, it turns out that life made some room for a little education today.  M is sick and had to stay home, which meant I stayed home today and got to take an Alt Design Summit Class while the littles were sleeping.  What a treat!  Blogging 101 by Liz Stanley of the infamous Say Yes to Hoboken Blog.  She had some great insight and I learned quite a bit.  I'm having a ton of fun looking at all of the blogs of the other people that attended.  Talk about creative! 

The most important thing I took away from the class, though, was Liz's attitude toward blogging.  It was pretty interesting to hear how she treats her blog like a business just as Jody and I have been talking about blogging with more substance and purpose.  The timing was perfect.

Last week we rolled out our new "Fab Finds Friday" Feature.  Tomorrow, you shall read more about WOMEN IN BUSINESS!  

The Canyons Resort, The Canyons Park City Utah, The Canyons Park City, The Canyons Resort, The Grand Summit Park City, The Grand Summit park city, The Canyons Trails, The Canyons Trails Park City, Utah, The Canyons hiking trails park city, Say Yes To Hoboken, Alt Summit, Alt Summit, Alt Summit, Alt Summit, The Canyons hiking, hiking The Canyons, hiking The Canyons Resort, Canyons Gondola, Alt Summit, Alt Summit Classes, July Fourth Park City, Park City July Fourth, The Grand Summit Resort, Alt Design Summit Classes, Alt Classes, Alt Summit Classes, Alt Design Summit Classes, Alt Summit Class, Alt Design Summit Classes, Alt Design Summit Classes, Alt Design Summit Classes, Alt Summit Salt Lake

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great Heather. I'm glad you guys were able to take a break from everything and have some fun.

    In regards to your blogging efforts, I noticed how the links work on the side and it's looking good my friend. Keep 'em coming.
