Friday, October 7, 2011

Dollar Store Decorating and Stuff

M and I have started our Halloween decorating.  A little late.  But, better late than never, right?  Hopefully, we will be able to finish up this weekend.
I thought I would share a quick and very cheap idea.  I still only had my phone to take pictures with and I just noticed that some are very blurry.  Sorry.  Look at them as CREEEPY.
First we started with some pumpkins

M is so cute.  When we were picking out pumpkins, she went straight to the itty bitty tiny ones.  She is calling the pumpkin I chose the "Mamma Pumpkin", the one hubby chose the "Daddy Pumpkin" and hers is the "Baby Pumpkin".
After we bought our pumpkins we went to the Dollar Store for a few supplies.  I picked up some "Creepy Cloth" and wired ribbon.  $2.  Score!

I wrapped some of the Creepy Cloth around the pumpkin.  Then, had my assistant hold it in place while I placed a ribbon on top.

TA DA!  Quick, easy and cheap decorating!

We can just pull the cloth and ribbon off when we are ready to carve these babies.  I am really liking the look, though.  Maybe we will have to get a few more pumpkins to carve and keep these as added decor.  Yeah, I like that idea.

Other Stuff:

Steve Jobs:  What an amazing pioneer!  Yesterday I saw an article where someone said, "Steve Jobs made a dent in the universe."  So very true.  Isn't it just incredible to think of how his creations have changed the world?  I remember the very first time I saw and used a mouse (computer, that is). I must have been about 12 or 13 years old.  One of my friends' dad had bought their family a mac that was operated with a mouse.  She kept telling me that I just HAD to try it.  When I did, I remember thinking "WOW!  This is so easy and GREAT!"  Now EVERY computer has a mouse!  I love that he said he wanted to make technology easy enough for children and the elderly to use.  Mission accomplished.  Thank you!

The Occupy Movement:  Completely see myself protesting in the near future.  Why?  If nothing else, to simply let our politicians know that we are not happy with the job they are doing.  Check it: 

Along those lines:  Utah Rep. Lee is proposing a tax BREAK for products produced over seas.  He'd like to see the tax decreased from 35% to 5%.  WHAT???  Is he SERIOUS?! 


I love this song!

Halloween pumpkin decorating ideas, cheap and easy Halloween decorating, cheap Halloween decorating idea, easy Halloween decorating idea, Halloween pumpkin, cheap and easy Halloween ideas, cheap and easy Halloween decorating ideas, Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs mouse, Occupy Salt Lake City,, Occupy movement in Salt Lake, Occupy Salt Lake, Foster the People, Easy simple cheap Halloween decorating ideas, Easy simple cheap Halloween decorating, Dollar Store Decorating, Dollar Store Decorating, Easy Halloween idea, Cheap Halloween idea.

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