Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Ago Today

I have been sick this weekend, so I have spent a lot of time on my sofa.  The History Channel has been showing many interesting programs on the events of 09-11-01.  So, I have spent most of my weekend reflecting on that day and those following.  

When I first starting in on the marathon, I was pretty aprehensive.  I was cautious, as I know that I am much more emotional than normal, so I didn't want to really stress myself out.  But, that really didn't happen.  Maybe because I have seen so many of the disturbing images before, I didn't find myself feeling shocked or stressed.  I learned so much about that day that I never knew before.  Did you know that the only way off of Manhattan on 09-11 was by boat?  It was the largest water evacuation in history.  Even larger than anything in World War II.

I learned of heroric tales.  Tales of those that risked their own lives to save others.  The unity and care shown that day was truly amazing.

But it wasn't until I saw the news today that I cried.  It was the coverage of the Fire Department's Memorial Service.  There was a young woman that sang Amazing Grace for the service.  Her father was one of the firefighters that was lost that day.  She was only a young girl at the time.  She has a lovely voice and her rendition was so beautiful.....but, in the middle of the song she had to stop and then began to cry.  The crowd encouraged her and showed support with gentle clapping and a firefighter walked over to her to offer support.  She was able to gather herself enough to finish.  It was shaky, but she made it.  My heart broke.

I can not imagine the pain of a child knowing that their father was taken by a terrorist act.  The tragedy.  I thought of the 10 years she has had without him and how the pain is (and surely always will be) so raw.  He didn't get to see her today.  Didn't get to be the one to offer her his hand.  He didn't get to be there for her first days of school, first dance, will miss her wedding and all his grandchildren.  I can not imagine the pain her mother has suffered.  The hardships of raising her daughter without him. 

The same has been true for thousands and thousands more.  And, I can't help but say "And, for what??" 

                            "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
                                                                                         - Romans 12:21

9-11-01, 09-11-01, 09-11-01, September 11th, September 11th, 09-11 Fire Department Memorial, 09-11 New York Fire Department Memorial, New York Fire Department Memorial, 09-11-01, September 11 New York Fire Department Memorial

1 comment:

  1. It was a very emotional day that is for certain. I have been following several programs for the 10th Anniversary and I have been moved to tears each time I view one. So senseless and sad.
