Thursday, September 15, 2011


I just realized that I missed the Groupon deadline to buy a $20 for $10 deal for Blue Iguana. 
I love this place.
Here's some of my favorite dishes:

It's too bad that looking at these pictures right now is really making my stomach turn.  Today is a crackers only day.  Boo.

So, speaking of "drats" and "dang its" and things just annoying, I just received the "Hatch Dispatch" (emailed newsletter from Senator Orrin Hatch)  titled "How to Grow the Economy".  For the few reading this blog, I'm sure the first thing you are wondering is why I am receiving Hatch's Newsletter.  Trust me; I didn't sign up for it.  I've emailed his office a few times in the past couple of years and now I'm tortured with the newsletters.  Good way to keep people from emailing.  ;)

I'm sure that when Jody and I set some ground rules about this little blog, we will decide not to discuss politics.  BUT, since we don't have any rules established yet, I'm voicing an annoyed opinion today:  I am SO tired of the CIRCUS ACT being put on by our elected officials!  I feel like renting a few monkeys and placing them in some local politicians' yards.  Including the one I voted for!  Maybe set up a tent, sell some popcorn and hot dogs.  Hey, now there's a way to make some extra cash.  Just saying.

So, I couldn't help but roll my eyes when I saw Hatch's Newsletter pop up just minutes after Boehner made his announcement of "No tax hikes for deficit super committee".  The Hatch Dispatch echoes those sentiments with the following:

"Fellow Utahns-

Last week, President Obama spoke to Congress about his plan for job creation Instead of charting a new course to get America back to work, he laid out more of the same failed policies of more government spending fueled by tax increases.  

I’m not the only one who sees the problems with the President’s approach.  With every passing day, bipartisan opposition grows.  The reasons are clear: our economy cannot shoulder more job-killing tax hikes and doesn’t need any more temporary, ineffective stimulus proposals. 

What America needs is a lesson from Utah, where we know that pro-growth policies of low taxes, reduced spending, and limited regulation is the best path forward. 

Those Utah values are my guide as I work to reform our burdensome and costly tax code , bring down our over $14.5 trillion debt, roll back the thousands of Washington regulations, and reform our near bankrupt entitlements. 

These are the policies the American people deserve.


Senator Orrin Hatch"

To that I say PUUUUUUUUUHLEEEEEEEEASE!  Honestly.  When does this all end?  I mean the back and forth finger pointing.  The political grandstanding and leveraging.  The new reality show called "American Politics"?

I would love for someone on the right to answer how the lowest tax rates for the wealthy in AMERICAN HISTORY has had nothing to do with our failing economy.  To me it's one of the large elephants in the room.  You know, I understand the theory behind the "Trickle Down Effect", but I can also say that I have never seen it work in real-life.  People are simply too greedy and selfish.  Continuing to keep taxes on the wealthy low would be like telling a business owner to charge his wealthy customers far less for a product than his other customers.  Of course no one would do that.  It's bad business.  The owner would know he would be the only one to lose in that equation.  So, why are we doing it with our government funds??

Ok, I'm really about done.  I'm all for reeling in Medicaid and cutting government waste.  And, I have to believe that most Americans are willing to pull up their boot straps and do whatever needs to be done to turn this ship around.  I personally think that most of us are just so tired of the shenanigans, tired of the stress that has come with the last several years (good heavens, 1 in 6 Americans now live in poverty!), and tired of the bipartisanship that we have given up on pushing our elected to get something done.  I wonder what the tipping point will be??

Blue Iguana Restaurant, Blue Iguana Restaurant Salt Lake City, Bipartisanship, American Politics, Bipartisanship, Orrin Hatch, Hatch Dispatch, Orrin Hatch, Hatch Dispatch, Boehner, Tax increases for the wealthy, raise taxes on the wealthy, Blue Iguana, Bipartisanship, Orrin Hatch, Hatch Dispatch, Boehner, Raise Taxes on the Wealthy, Hatch

1 comment:

  1. I hear you sister. It is beyond frustrating! I am absolutely fed up with it all myself. I have seriously had to take a break from it. It's truly sad that the two parties cannot work together for the common good. Chris and I joke that someone could have a great idea that everyone thinks is a fantastic proposal, but then when they found out the persons political party, the ones from the opposing party would then automatically dismiss it. What has become of our politicians?

    I am with you 100% on the whole Tax thing. Taxes are necessary, and I am so tired of people trying to protect the very wealthiest citizens and forcing the biggest hardships on those who have far less. It's craziness I tell you!

    On a happier note...those photos look divine. I would love to sink my teeth into any one of those dishes. Hubba, hubba! Sorry that you aren't feeling up to eating more than plain ol' crackers. The first trimester is certainly the most difficult. Hang in there!
