Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Parenthood....and other distractions

With the hubby going back in for hernia surgery number FOUR (second within two months) and being out of work for ANOTHER two months, I am in dire need of some distractions :). 

Here is my current distraction list:
1. Parenthood-(my very favorite prime time TV sitcom ever) premiered tonight. Whoot whoot!
2. Weeds-My naughty little Showtime distraction
3. The Big C-My sentimental life is short Showtime distraction
4. Soon to come GLEE (I am a total Gleek!  I went from hating to loving).  Probably my Karaoke distraction?
5. New Charlaine Harris book: Dead Reckoning-based on the HBO TV series True Blood-Vampire distraction?
6. My family biggest loser contest.  Still in first place and probably my ONLY healthy distraction :)
7. My IPOD on shuffle (best kidproof earplugs ever ;)

And here is my distractions WISH list:
1. Retail Therapy
2. Hot Baths
3. Date Nights
4. Good Food
5. Massages
6. Pedicures
7. Margaritas
8. Sleep

Here I go with the lists again.  Those pesky things are cropping up everywhere!

Glee, The Big C , Weeds, Dead reckoning, Glee, Parenthood, The Big C, Glee

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