Monday, May 14, 2012

What a week!!

Love this picture!
Where to start?  Not sure :).  It has been a HELL of a week!  After this week I realized a few things: 

1. I am not built for manual labor
2. I will never take on the trade of Roofer
3. I am SO glad a tree hit MY roof
4. Family+hard work+A LOT of kids+Heat are NOT a good combination
5. You can not rely on the "roofing" diet to prep you for a vacation!

Friday and Saturday operation re-roof begun!  We had everyone I mean EVERYONE in the family over for two solid days straight.  That means 9 adults, 3 tweens, 2 kids, 1 preschooler and 2 toddlers all at one house aka construction zone with a few hours off to sleep.  It was a NIGHTMARE!  

The tweens were texting EACH OTHER and complaining about helping.

The toddlers were running around a yard with rusty nails and ripped up shingles EVERYWHERE!

The ragged women were chasing the toddlers around the yard trying to keep them from STEPPING on the rusty nails and EATING the torn up shingles.

The men were on the roof from sun up to sun down leaving them with sore EVERYTHING, blisters, cuts, bruises, one stepped on rusty nail and opinions of who ended up doing most the work :).  

The middle kids....well they had the "three's a crowd" factor going on.  My little Indiana usually being the crowd.  So there was a lot of crying, whining and scowling going on in that group.

What a weekend right?  

I did manage to get some fun pictures of the adventure.  

 Tea party time
 Actually a GOOD moment with the three girls!
 My Brother in the Attic :)
"B's" in the tire swing.

In the end we survived.  No children were injured, unfortunately the adults were not spared but we got the roof done!  It was nothing short of miraculous.

Unfortunately the sheer exhaustion set in yesterday for the hubby so Mothers Day was a little anticlimactic but it was still a good one.  

How was your weekend?  I hope all you mothers out there got spoiled! 

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