Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Little "Big" Man

As I am writing my post.  My son in helping Indiana brush her teeth then reading her a bedtime story.  There are some things that stink about having such a large gap between kids and other things that rock!  This would be one of those rocking moments :).

Now I know he is not just doing this out of the kindness of his heart but mostly to delay his bedtime ;).  Little does he know that he has: saved my night, done his reading homework AND made his sister happy. 

He is an amazing little guy (not so little anymore), so patient and kind.  We have been complimented so many times about how great of a kid he if they are shocked he is ours :). 

Here he is after a major makeover by Indiana.  Post it note eyelashes and a clip in his hair.  Not many twelve year old's would allow their sisters to do this, he even let me take a picture of it.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I have been thinking about the people in my life and how grateful I am to have them.  He is definitely in my fave five ;).

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