Along with having a baby and preparing our house to put on the market, we are tackling the FULL renovation of our new house at the same time. Again, let me say "THANK GOODNESS FOR MY PARENTS!!" My mom is a Godsend. Period. My Stepdad helped to get things ready at our "old" house and my dad has been working on our new house. Poor guy is working muscles he hasn't used in decades....doing demolition for us.
Do you remember me telling you that our new house was not only in need of a serious makeover, but that it was dirty, too? I took some pictures to show you how I am using my elbow grease. Below are some shutters in the downstairs kitchen. I don't think they have been cleaned since they were installed. I don't think any of the shutters have been cleaned since they were installed (say 15 years ago?). Look at the difference between the two. I cleaned the one on the left. Next to it, the one on the right looks grey! There must have been 20 layers of dust and grime built up on them. Eeeeew.
Left side cleaned. Right side is crying, "Please, oh please don't forget about me!"
I've also taken some photos to show you how things are looking mid-demo.
Here's the upstairs kitchen before:
My dad took out all of the kitchen by himself. We now only have to take out the plaster and flooring and we can start moving plumbing and electrical. Hubby's favorite....riiiight. He hates plumbing.
Here's one of the bathrooms BEFORE:
Second bathroom BEFORE:
M's Bedroom BEFORE:
Downstairs Family Room BEFORE:
My dad has done all of the demo that you see. We still have quite a ways to go, but I'm feeling so happy with how much he has done!
We put our old house on the market this Friday. So, hopefully, we can start devoting MUCH more time at the new house starting this weekend! Hubby keeps telling me that he just knows that our house is going to sell really quick and we'll have to move over to the construction site. I'd actually be okay with that myself. I know, I say that now, right? We DO have a functioning kitchen in the basement and it would mean that our old house sold. For me, that would be a relief! We shall see....

Oh my gosh. I am exhausted just looking at these pictures. I'm sure it will be absolutely beautiful when all is said and done, but wow, you guys are not afraid of tackling a giant. Thank heavens you have some awesome parents to step in and help.