Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Baby is 1!

Baby....sweet baby.  Oh what a year!  So many memories, many bittersweet.  


The day you were born.  

The look you gave me before they rushed you away.....a look of  "Really Mom!"
A look a little like this!

Crying the night they told me that once again they would have to induce me...7 weeks early. 

When you took your first breath and cried WITHOUT being intubated....Thank you for that!  

How perfect you were....all 3 lbs. 8 oz. of you.  

You were dubbed the "perfect preemie" just needing the NICU time to grow.  

We saw many babies come and go during your six week hotel stay.  You were such a trooper!  

The sweet little nurses made you a sign......

I came home and bawled my eyes out that day...not going to lie ;)

Just when I thought you would NEVER come home....they told me it was time...then I FREAKED OUT!

How could I care for such a tiny precious little thing. So small her car seat all but swallowed her up!  Although I had done this before I all of a sudden felt so inadequate, so unqualified, HUMAN.  

So while I look at this precious cake eating monster I remember just how far she has utterly AMAZING life really is.

The strong ones in the NICU are the babies...however the mom's definitely come in tight second ;).

While I didn't mean for my babies 1yr old post to be a NICU drama story.  I guess those memories were the rawest.  Knowing that a year ago my arms were empty even though I had a precious little baby just waiting to come be held....the be loved.  

There are few things more heartbreaking than leaving the hospital without your baby.  I however was one of the lucky ones, one who's baby was just temporarily not coming home.

Happy Birthday B!  We love you more than you will know....until you are a mom yourself that is ;). 

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