I know I sound like a broken record; but, man, things are CRAZY around here! More than our usual crazy. They are REALLY crazy. I'm still adjusting to being the mom of a newborn and a toddler. I'm so very tired. And, as with all things, life continues to march forward.
The little big man's due date just happened to fall on M's birthday. So, before he was born, we decided that it would be best to celebrate her 4th birthday in June. We figured that would give us time to acclimate after having the little guy and we would be able to throw a proper party for her. I really didn't see any problems arising from this plan, because M doesn't know the calendar yet. What we didn't anticipate were the questions that would come up when her friends started having birthdays at school and she kept insisting to everyone that she was still 3 (after her real birthday).
So, we decided to tell her it was her birthday a couple of weeks ago and have a "Family Party" at home with the promise of a "Big Friend Party" in a few weeks. What this really means is that her brothers were coming over, so we seized the opportunity to buy a cake, give her a few of her presents and officially tell her that she is 4.
She was so excited. She went back and forth between waiting on the doorstep for her brothers to arrive and poking at (and licking) her cake.
It's a little difficult to see in this picture, but if you look closely you can see that the corner has been eaten by a little girl that loves frosting. You might also be able to tell that the Cinderella figurines have been shoved down into the cake. This happened after being taken off to play with.
And, this invitation:
We found some super cute accessories for the girls to dress up in and some great ribbon for decorating. Now, I need to figure out how to incorporate 4 year old boys into a Fancy Nancy Party. Any ideas?
Speaking of craziness, we're off to the new house to continue the demo work and try to get the yard to a respectable level. Wish me luck! Did I mention that I'm tired? :)

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