"Simple, healthful and close to nature"
We are going organic! Not necessarily choosing to eat only organic foods (though organic bananas are a MUST at our house); but Jody and I are choosing to approach our business with a more organic approach. "What does that mean?" you ask? It means that we are not going to stress about making the ABC Show this year (it's impossible anyway), but we are going to let our business grow NATURALLY. No more hurried "to do" lists. No more unrealistic expectations. No more "I'm so sorry that I didn't get a chance to...." We have decided that we are going to roll with this ADVENTURE. With our crazy lives, it surely will take us longer to reach some of our goals, but inevitably we will make it there.
It's taken us both several years to embrace this new approach. Mainly because both of us typically really want for things to work in a certain way....quite possibly a "perfect" way? We both like things "done right" and haven't wanted our biz or ideas to fail because of haste or carelessness on our parts. We are also very aware that there is a time and place for everything and the market just happens to be ready for some of our "unique" ideas.
Basically, we don't want to miss our boat. It would be such a shame to watch another company launch one of our ideas before we had the chance to. But, you know what we are realizing? We have A LOT of irons in the fire. And, adding a bunch of stressful deadlines to our plate basically drains our creative juices and makes us feel like not doing much of anything. And, that is the last thing that we want. We love the creative side of what we are doing! That's really what is important to us.
So, you will see us at the ABC Show in 2013. In many ways that's better for us anyway. It will be in VEGAS! And, we are already finding that relaxing a little bit has allowed our wheels to turn again. I found someone that can sew bias on my prototypes.....my SISTER-IN-LAW.
We're rolling now!

Sounds good to me! You ladies are both intelligent and determined, so I have no doubt that your business will thrive one day. Glad to hear you are relieving yourselves of some of the deadlines. I also must say that I love the pictures of your sweet little guy.