Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just Roll with it......

What a week it has been!  First I must was ME who fell off the blogging map.  Sometimes I just get blogging block.  It is the craziest thing!  I ALWAYS have something to say (Heather can vouch for this) but there are times where I can not think of a single thing to blog about.

Heather told me today "You worry too much, just blog about what you have been doing".  Well that is simple enough because I have been doing plenty!

Since we are heading to Disneyland I have been preparing in true princess style.  Princess Cinderella style that is :). 

Cinderella-Do the dishes, scrub the floors, take out the trash, clean the clothes, make the beds......the list goes on and on and on.  

We have been so busy getting everything ready for our trip, that we haven't had time to plan it!  We are leaving tomorrow and have still not sat down and laid out a budget, went over a map together or even began to THINK of an itinerary.  

That is when I truly wonder how I am a product of my parents that have their bags packed, their itinerary planned and their car cleaned out two weeks before they leave!  

I remember our trip to Hawaii back when I was five.  My mom had all of our suitcases packed and sitting in our rooms at least a week before our trip.  I even threatened to run away one day figuring it would be perfect because I already had a suitcase packed and ready to go (I was a little dramatic at times :). 

Oh well....I am sure that gene is in there somewhere, I just have yet to find it.  For now I am just going to roll with it and continue to remind myself that in two days I will be sitting on the beach!  

While I spent my week feeling like Cinderella (pre-Princess) I get to start my morning off with a pedicure and a that is proper princess vacation preparation! 

What are your weekend plans?  

 Cinderella, Disneyland, Disney, Cinderella, Disneyland, California
 Cinderella, Disneyland, Disney, Cinderella, Disneyland, California
 Cinderella, Disneyland, Disney, Cinderella, Disneyland, California Cinderella, Disneyland, Disney, Cinderella, Disneyland,

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