I love a true Fab Find!
Today's Fab Find is something that I have been raving about for weeks.
It's one of those things that you see advertised and wonder if it really and truly does what it promises. You see the ads, read the label and think, "There's just no way it can do THAT. But, if it DID, I would be ecstatic." Well, this Fab Find does EXACTLY what is promised.
Drum roll please.......
My family LOVES the KNOT GENIE
This cool little invention has completely changed our morning and night time routines.
It magically brushes right through knots gently and painlessly.
Their secret is soft flexible bristles of varying lengths. They slide through hair and untangle the worst of snarls. And, best of all, since the bristles bend, they don't break the hair.
Now I am completely aware that I am sounding like a commercial. But, truly this brush is the best. Check this out. Here is M's hair - snarled mess (her hair is straight, but it loves to knot no matter how much conditioner we use).
In this photo you can see where I have brushed through with the Knot Genie.
I didn't have to work at it, either. That right hand side had gotten 2 or 3 strokes of the brush.
Here is her hair 60 seconds later. 100% knot free!
Just about a month ago, we were really thinking about cutting M's hair into a short bob. The crying and the time it was taking to get through her hair was becoming just too much. She wouldn't let her dad come near it with a brush any more. And, I was spending WAY too much time just getting it into a pony tail each morning.
Then, we took her to Cookie Cutters for a trim. They were using the Knot Genie. I had seen them advertised, but was always sceptical. The hair stylist raved about it and let me try it on M's hair. That was all it took. I bought one on the way out and it has been worth every single penny. It not only saved M's hair, but saved my sanity! AWESOME FAB FIND!
Knot Genie, Knot Genie, Knot Genie, Knot Genie hair brush, Knot Genie hair brush, Knot Genie hair detangler, brush for tangles, brush for tangles, brush for detangling, kid brush, kids brush, Knot Genie, Knot Genie, Knot Genie detangling brush, brush for kids, brush for girls, knot genie, knot genie, hair detangling brush
PS - The hair stylist told me that it works wonders on the curliest of hair. She said that they are using on long, wavy, curly....anything with snarls.