Thursday, October 18, 2012

Notes From the Binder

1)  When Mitt Romney was Governor of Massachusetts, if he truly went to women's groups and said "Can you help us find folks?", would that not be akin to Affirmative Action?

2) Well no need for Republicans to worry about that, he really did NOT go to women's groups saying "Can you help us find folks?"  It was MassGAP, a bipartisan coalition of women's groups dedicated to increasing the number of women appointed to top government jobs, that approached Romney (and his Democratic challenger)  and pressured them to sign a pledge to appoint more women if elected.

3)  It is shocking that after 25 years of experience at the very highest levels of corporate America, that Mitt and his crew needed Mass GAP's help.  Why didn't he come to that position with qualified women to fill cabinet positions? 

4)  "Does Mitt think that women won't know how to find out if he had any top level positions filled by women at Bain Capital?"  Pretty sure we can handle that task (during a Sex in the City commercial break, of course).

from "Welcome to My Binder Full of Women" GQ Magazine

5)  Buffoon, noun:
     1.  a ludicrous figure:  CLOWN
     2.  a gross and unusually ill-educated or stupid person

6)  It's 2012......not 1912.

7)  The percentage of women in senior-level positions in Massachusetts government declined under Romney.


9)  Funny:

 10)  Mitt Romney refuses to say whether he would have supported the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Binders full of women, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Ann Romney, Anne Romney, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Binders full of women, binders, Paul binder, Paula binder, paula binder, lilly ledbetter fair pay act

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