Do you have a spot in your home that is absolutely atrocious and ugly, but you have gotten so used to it, that it doesn't seem to bother you much? That was our bathroom. Check out some of these "before" photos.
I'm sure that you are wondering how in the world an Interior Designer could live with this. It's pretty easy, actually. We kept saying we needed to get it done, but then something in our crazy lives would take priority. When we would have the money, something else would come up. Then, when we had the time, we didn't have the money. You know...just life.
But, we finally did it.
We replaced all of the old tile with a wainscot and more elaborate trim. Everything above the wainscot is painted a cheery yellow. The old linoleum was replaced with new tile, we replaced the sink, toilet, fixtures, mirror and refinished the old eagle claw tub (I should say my awesome husband instead of "we" - I only picked things out, he did the work). We basically replaced or refinished everything.
We bought the lights, mirror/cabinet, pedestal sink, paint, fixtures and tile at Home Depot. By the way, if you ask M what her favorite store is she will say "Home Depot"! Her dad is brainwashing her!
We were able to refinish the old claw foot tub with materials from Home Depot, too.
I would love to put up a few pictures, change out the old shower curtain and accessorize, but I am refraining. Since we will be putting our house on the market any day and will be moving soon, I don't want to invest the money in that and put holes in the wall. Bummer, huh? I finally get my bathroom remodeled and we are moving!
Oh, well. We'll still get to enjoy it for a few months. That and our brand new bedroom carpet that arrived this week. Yeah!

Wow you guys, that looks FANTASTIC! I am in awe. Too bad you have to leave it behind. Hopefully you will be able to create just as many other lovely rooms in your new house. We need to talk. I don't even know the details of your new place. How sad is that?