Before we left M said that she was going to ask Oma (my mom) if they could make cookies and ice cream cones. Of course Oma said "absolutely!"
We loved Jody's Mom's idea of the cookie flower bouquets. So, we decided to be copy cats and give it a try.
We started by making the decorative vases. We used scrapbook paper and stickers to decorate jars.
Then, M and Oma made the sugar cookies.
M found the pink sparkly visor in my mom's craft supplies. She said it was a "Baker's Hat" and wore it accordingly. Classic.
Whipping up some pink and purple frosting was next. Pink and purple because those are M's "favorite colors."
After the cookies were all frosted, we poked the wooden skewers through the middle of each, using a gum drop above and a gum drop below the cookie to hold it in place. One quick note: If you decide to try this cute baking craft, be sure to poke a hole in the middle of each cookie before you bake them. They were so easy to assemble.
We used large and small cookie cutters. The small ones worked best.
My mom and I thought these would be great for parties and baby showers. You could modify the decorations on the vases very easily. And, they are really simple to make.
Thanks for the idea, Jody! It was a great activity.

That looks like so much fun! I feel kind of guilty that I don't do crafty things like this with my kids. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Absolutely adorable!