Friday, January 20, 2012

You know what they say...."best laid plans always fail"

Heather and I have been talking about our mutual goal of getting up early everyday.  For me I feel like the only hours I am awake my kids are OR I am working.  Which leaves ZERO downtime for me.  I have been working on it....however so have my kids.  I was awake at 4:30 am yesterday morning and 5:30 am this morning along with my two girls.....sigh.  There is nothing worse than waking up that early WITH your kids, not BEFORE them (Okay I know there are plenty worse things...I am just not thinking of them at the moment :). 

I went to be early (in bed by 10:00), set my alarm for 5:45 am.  I was going to: wake up, do my blog post, work, do some business research and be done before my son had to leave for the bus......hence the blog title.

Here was my morning instead:

5:30 am.  Woke to two girls in my bed......

 6:00 am: "B"'s chasing Jack around....Already.
 6:30 am: Yep they are playing Wii.....Already.
 7:30 am: The "Cosyter" made a bed dummy....yep....Already (In 2 ways, I thought only teenagers did this :)
7:35 am: Indiana is pummeling the dummy.....Already.
 7:45 am:"B" is making her usual breakfast guessed it.....already :)
Gotta love this picture!
The silver lining(s) to this morning: The Coyster watched the girls while I took a nice hot bubble bath (hence the dummy mastermind time).  I found myself a new motto...........

And to finish the timeline and begin my plan "B"-9:19 am.  Blog post done......girls asleep.....Coyster off to school and now it's time to work!

Have a good day everyone!

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