Got to have dinner and see a movie with a good friend on Friday night. Saw "New Years Eve". Not even worth talking about. Why is it that the more mega stars are in a movie, the worse it is? It is as if all the budget is spent just obtaining the stars that nothing is left for a good writer, director or editor. Oh well, it was still fun to get out and see a movie.
Saturday I got to have brunch with my oldest bestest school friends. I love those ladies and am so fortunate to say that I have friends that go back 27 years!
I was also entertained by my little Rock Star this weekend.
A few months ago she decided she likes Hello Kitty. I have no idea where it came from, but when Santa Clause asked her what she wanted for Christmas she said, "Hello Kitty and a book." Who knew? So, my dad bought her all things Hello Kitty, including a guitar. She loves it!
Something else she does that I have no idea where she got it from is before she starts playing a song, she will say "1, 2, 3" or "And a 1 and a 2, 3". Just like a rock star. Hilarious!
Speaking of Rock Stars,
My all time most favorite song in the world came on the radio while driving home on Saturday. I was alone, so I got to turn it up!
Now anyone that knows me knows that I have 1,000 "favorite" songs. But, this TRULY is my all time number one favorite.
Life's a gift. Don't waste it!

Glad you had so much fun over the weekend. I know I sure enjoyed my time with you girls on Saturday. The pictures of M are absolutely darling. It doesn't surprise me that she has an interest in being a rock star. Look at who her mother is after all.