First things first. We are finishing our prototypes this month. Hooray! This lady is totally excited to be pulling out the cutest of fabrics again and getting my creative juices going! May I just say that I have got the best husband in the world (perfect for me). When I told him that I am thinking of permanently setting up my sewing machine in our living room, he just said, "Okay. I will do whatever I can to support you." Just one of the main reasons I married that sweet man. Sorry. I am getting off subject here.
Prototypes. We have actually already tracked down a FABULOUS local manufacturer. Now that was an adventure. First, did you know that there are hardly any textile manufacturers left in America? Seriously. We all talk about everything being made in China these days. But, have you really thought about just HOW MUCH is made in China? It astounded us. I bet that we must have spent a good 4 to 5 months of 2009 & 2010 just trying to find a good manufacturer that wasn't 5,000 miles away. What a blessing to have found one in our home state. Especially one that sews bias! Want a good project for a lazy day? Try to find anyone, and I mean anyone, that has a commercial bias machine. Not an easy task!
If you have been following our blog for awhile, you will be noticing some changes. All for the good. We will FINALLY be finishing up our pages to the right. You have probably noticed that we have a picture of the two of us, as well. "Sacrifice" is the word that comes to my mind when I look at that picture. My, oh my, how I wish that I were a tiny model type pregnant woman! We will surely be replacing our picture a few months after I have this little one.
I just realized that you may be wondering what we are making prototypes of. Well, we can't give specific details just yet. But, I can tell you that Jody and I have been working on a few very neat children's items for several years now. All coming from our own needs and desires as moms. They are practical (VERY) and cute to boot. We can't wait to launch them this year....I'm sure we'll give you peeks while we are working on them.
Now that we have officially put our picture on our blog, you may be wondering why we didn't do it sooner and how it relates to the two sexy women on our Header. Well, sadly the reason that we haven't put a real picture of the two of us together on the blog is because we haven't seen each other in person for many months! We talk all of the time, but truly have to schedule to meet up since we live about 40 miles apart and lead very different lives. That brings me to our Header. Jody works very hard as a stay-at-home-mom with a part-time job. She is represented by the retro woman baking some delicious cupcakes. I work full time in the so called "professional" world and try to be a good mom at the same time. I am represented by the retro woman by the typewriter. Why sexy retro women? Why not?!
Glad to be back in business,

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