Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Fella

Hey, hey.  It looks like there might be hope for some CUTE boy's clothes!
Have you seen Happy Fella brand clothing?  Finally some boy's clothing with some attention to the details!  Isn't this little outfit cute?  Sure, it's for a fancy occasssion and couldn't be worn day to day.  But, it's so nice to know that there are options.  :)

I came across this through Zulily today.  If you have little ones, or buy for little ones, you should check out Zulily HEREIt's a great site that features killer deals for moms, babies and kids.  The Happy Fella outfit above is only $21.99 on Zulily today (1/2 price).  Check it out....there's also some great deals on Melissa & Doug toys! 

Zulily, Zulily, Happy Fella, Happy Fella boys clothing, Happy Fella

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Muppets AND.......

A few weeks ago M and I were watching TV and a commercial came on for the new Muppets movie.  She was instantly mesmerised.  Since she is only 3, she has never seen the Muppets.  When they came onto the screen she jumped up, ran over to the TV and said, "Mamma!  What is that?!  Who are they?!!"  I had to rewind the commercial several times for her.....I also had to explain that it was a movie and that we would have to wait for Thanksgiving to see it. 

Well, my little M has a memory like no other.  I'm not kidding ya.  She remembers EVERYTHING.  She remembered that the Muppets were coming out at Thanksgiving and reminded me that I said we would go.  Just after we had Thanksgiving dinner she brought it up again.  I told her that she would have to go to bed early if we were going to go.....not 30 minutes later she was saying she wanted to go to bed (that was a first!).  She was down EARLY just so we could go.

Needless to say we drove an hour to see the first Muppets showing yesterday.  We're still at my parents and that was the closest theater.  She actually chose to see the Muppets before going to see Santa!  She LOVED it.  She said that "Miss Piggy and the frog" are her favorite. 

As much as I thought it was a cute movie and glad she was so happy, I was a little bummed myself.  Going to the first showing also meant that we missed out on all of the Black Friday Early Bird Specials.  CRAP!  I told the hubby that I need to watch what I say next year, because I'm not missing out on the deals again!

Since we left for my parents last Wednesday, I haven't had a chance to post some other exciting news, yet.  We had our 20 week ultrasound last Tuesday........M is going to have a baby BROTHER!  I was truly shocked.  I thought for sure I was having another girl.  I guess I can throw "Mother's Intuition" out the window!

So, I am now off to sort through 5 bins of baby girl clothes and "stuff".  We are going to sell them since we won't be needing them anymore.  I don't know if it's just the hormones, but I have to say that it is making me very sad.  I've already seen several outfits that I want to hold on to - just because it reminds of something M was doing when she wore it.  It's going to be a tough task!

Muppets, The Muppets Movie, The Muppets Movie, Muppets 2011, Muppets 2011, Muppets and Thanksgiving, baby girl consignment sale, baby girl clothes to consignment, selling baby girl clothes, selling baby girl clothing, Muppets 2011 Thanksgiving, The Muppets Movie, Having a baby boy, Having a baby boy, sorting clothes for consignment sale, consignment sale, baby girl consignment sale, baby girl consignment sale, Muppets 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Do you ever feel this way? I know I do.....

Poor Thanksgiving, it is kind of getting the snub.  It is a great overshadowed by the favored child of Christmas.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE Christmas.  I love the spirit of giving, love, family, community the list goes on, however I would really like to enjoy my Thanksgiving without hovering over Black Friday ads and obsessively checking my bank account to assess my Christmas fund ;). 

This Thanksgiving I have decided to write letters to SOME of the people who I am sincerely grateful for this year.  There are so many people I am grateful for and have so much influence in my life; I wish I had the time to write them all.  It has been a tough year for us and I am especially grateful to my family and all of their help.  Without them we would not have made it through the last couple years. 

Well Happy Thanksgiving to ALL OF YOU!  I hope you enjoy the time with your family, friends and loved ones.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Little "Big" Man

As I am writing my post.  My son in helping Indiana brush her teeth then reading her a bedtime story.  There are some things that stink about having such a large gap between kids and other things that rock!  This would be one of those rocking moments :).

Now I know he is not just doing this out of the kindness of his heart but mostly to delay his bedtime ;).  Little does he know that he has: saved my night, done his reading homework AND made his sister happy. 

He is an amazing little guy (not so little anymore), so patient and kind.  We have been complimented so many times about how great of a kid he if they are shocked he is ours :). 

Here he is after a major makeover by Indiana.  Post it note eyelashes and a clip in his hair.  Not many twelve year old's would allow their sisters to do this, he even let me take a picture of it.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I have been thinking about the people in my life and how grateful I am to have them.  He is definitely in my fave five ;).

Thursday, November 17, 2011

19 Weeks!

Check out this belly!

I asked the husband if I look pregnant last night.  Poor guy.  I WAS kidding.  And, he did tell the truth.  Said, "Uh, yeah.....but you are!"

My doctor did warn me that with the second I would get bigger faster and that I would feel like I was much bigger.  Much bigger?  Try ENORMOUS.  This is only 19 weeks!!

Check out my facial expression.  Haha!  I did have one with a nice smile, but I also had such a double chin.  I just couldn't post it.  But, let me say that I am keeping things real here.  That is what I am wearing around the house.  Not attractive in the slightest, but I am going for comfort.

Speaking of maternity fashion, is it just me or do women in Utah treat their pregnancy like a fashion show or what?  Seriously, I saw a woman at the OB's yesterday that must have been at least 7 months pregnant wearing 4" heels!  What is that?  To me, that is nothing short of crazy.  I see that kind of craziness all of the time.  Now I may just be more tuned into it and admittedly jealous of the young 20-something women that look like skinny little rails with a basketball under their shirts.  But, the heels....come on.  No pregnant woman can possibly feel fantastic in stiletto heels!

Looking forward to doing the Mariah Carey plan after this one is born.  Going to lose all of the weight and be in a bikini 3 months later.  HAHAHAHA!  Maybe if I had a nanny to look after the kids, a personal chef, didn't have to work and had a personal trainer.  Wait....I do have a lottery ticket.  Gonna go check it now.  :)
pregnancy weight gain, pregnant in Utah, Mariah Carey weight loss, Mariah Carey weight loss, Mariah Carey babies, pregnant, 19 months, Mariah Carey, Mariah Carey weight loss, Mariah Carey weight loss after babies, pregnancy weight gain, maternity fashion, heels while pregnant, pregnant heels.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Shoebox Time

Operation Christmas Child's Collection Week is underway!
Check out the website HERE
There is still time to participate and I promise that you will be happy that you did.

Last year we started the tradition of doing a shoebox for a girl that is M's age.  I thought it would be a good way for her to relate and be interested in participating.

She's still a little young and I wasn't quite sure what she would think, but she really got into it.  This weekend I showed her some video and pictures on Samaritan's Purse's Website and catalogue.  I explained that there were children that were not as fortunate as us and asked if she would like to send a Christmas gift to one.  She was on board from the word "go".

We had a lot of fun shopping for goodies to fill the box.  It was super easy for me.  M picked everything out.  We sent a coloring book, play-doh, crayons, stickers, candy, a jump rope, a toothbrush, puzzle, toothpaste, a teddy bear and some other fun little things.  Then we went home, decorated the box and packed it up.

We dropped it off tonight.  M keeps asking, "Is it on a truck now?" and "Is it on a plane?"  One of the cool things about the way Samaritan's Purse organizes this, is that you can actually track where your shoebox went.  I'm excited to show M on a map.

Check it out!  It is SUPER EASY and very inexpensive.  Not to mention what it means to the child that receives it.  There are drop off locations everywhere.  Just jump on Samaritan's Purses Website to find one near you.

This is also the perfect way to start the Christmas season!
Operation Christmas Child Salt Lake City, Samaritan's Purse, Shoebox, OCC Salt Lake City, Operation Christmas Child Shoe box, Operation Christmas Child Shoebox, Operation Christmas Child Calvery Chapel Salt Lake City, Samaritan's Purse Christmas Project, OCC, Operation Christmas Child 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011


Well my 11-11-11 ended up alright after all.  My computer was saved after an entire day of virus scans.  Thanks to my brother in law, he really saved my biscuit.  

I thought of Heathers post as I looked at the clock at 4:44 a.m. this morning.  What on earth was I doing awake this early?  Who knows, ask "B", she thought it was a perfect time to be wide awake ;).

Speaking of "B" just thought I would share Indiana's favorite way to pack around her sister. 
Pretty miserable right.....

I will end my "Ramblings" with: You know it's winter when........

You move your picnic's to the kitchen floor

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ready to Come Inside

Friday was 11-11-11.  A day filled with "lucky" weddings and funky parties....AND
Jody's computer crashed.  Last I heard she was still running a virus scan and everything on her desktop was gone.  Not a way to celebrate 11-11-11!

M got 3 vaccines on Friday.  Not a good way to celebrate 11-11-11 either.  Hmmmm.  Come to think of it, poor thing was prepping for shots at 11:11 on 11-11-11. 

I know better, too!  Did you know that I was married on 07-07-07?  Rumor has it that we were actually getting married at 7:00 p.m. on 07-07-07.  Good thing I'm not superstitious.  I would really be wondering about all of the good luck that should have been coming our way!  While we have certainly been blessed, the last 4 years have been extraordinarily tough, too.  BUT, we did have a great wedding!!

Oh, just in case you are wondering; we didn't get married on 07/07/07 because we thought it would be lucky.  It just happened to be the perfect day for us.  It was really funny to tell people that we were going for the "Lucky 7's!" 

I'm thinking that next year on 12/12/12 we should have a party at 12:00!  You have to plan these things.  Otherwise you end up worrying about crashed computers and shots, right?  Okay.  Next year, it is on my "to do" list - Party on 12/12/12!

Monday, November 7, 2011


Never mind that our furnace just happened to go out the same day we received the first snow of the season.  It SNOWED!

The grumpy old (and cold) side of me wanted to groan when I woke up and saw that it was really snowing.  But, there is something so peaceful and beautiful about snow.  Especially the first of the season.  Then there was the joy in seeing M's excitement.  She woke up, looked outside and yelled "Mama!  It's snowing!!"  She had to pull a kitchen chair over to a window to watch for awhile.

We officially embraced it by trying to build a snowman.  The snow was too dry, but it was so light, fluffy and fun.

To our Russian readers:  I am so curious; what is your snow like?  We live in Utah where we claim to have the BEST SNOW ON EARTH.  May not be the best snow on Earth, but it sure is the best snow for skiing and snowboarding.  The reason is that it is so dry here, that the snow is powder, powder, powder!  It's wonderful!
Utah snow, skiing Utah, Utah snow, snow in Utah, Ski Utah, Skiing in Utah, Snowboarding in Utah, Snowboarding in Utah, Utah snow, Snowboard Utah, Ski Utah, Skiing Utah, Snowboard Utah, Snow Utah, Utah Ski Vacation, Utah Snow vacation, Utah Snowboarding Vacation, Utah Snow, Utah Skiing, Ski Vacation, Utah Ski package

Friday, November 4, 2011

Goo and Sooup

Tonight we had a goo and soup festival....well soup then goo.  I obviously forgot to take pictures of the soup but I delivered with the goo!   I am showing my domestic side with a recipe blog ;)

Cornstarch Goo-super easy and so much fun....did I also mention a big FAT mess!

1 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup water 
Mix food coloring if desired 
Stir cornstarch in slowly

When you move it hardens, when you stop it softens.  It's amazing stuff!


Olive Garden's Zuppa Tuscana Soup (AMAZING)

1 lb. Spicy Italian Sausage
1/2 lb. Smoked Bacon (optional)
1 qt. water
2 14.5 oz cans of chicken broth
2 large russet potatoes
2 cloves of garlic (Peeled and crushed)
1 Medium Onion (Peeled and chopped)
2 cups of Kale (washed and chopped)
1 cup heavy whipping cream (I subbed out for whole milk and fat free half and half)
Salt & Pepper to taste

Instructions:  Brown sausage & break into small pieces.  Rinse and set aside.  Put all ingredients (except: Kale, Cream & Sausage) in a pot and simmer until potatoes are soft.  Add sausage and simmer for 10 minutes.  Then add cream & kale.  Simmer until kale softens-DO NOT BOIL and serve!

Simplify-use food processor (I used my personal Ninja ;) to chop onion and garlic.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Firsts

At this very moment I have a three year old backed right up to me, nightgown pulled up, and saying "Look at my underwear!" 

On Halloween night she heard one of the older kids chanting an old favorite.  This is what I have been hearing since:  "Trick-or-Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat, if you don't I don't care smell my underwear!"  Yeah, I don't remember the last part going that way either.  It's crazy.  Every time I hear it, I want to correct her, but then have to refrain.  I'm so hoping this passes quickly! 

Another Halloween first. 
M's preschool had it's own little trick-or-treating event.  And, someone handed out fangs!  Once I showed her how to put them in, she was all over it.  She was a growling, fang-wearing pumpkin princess.

Her Dad quickly told her that if she stuck her tongue out while getting her picture taken, it looks funny.

Oh, one more Halloween first.  I didn't stress over M's costume.  She loved the pumpkin princess when she saw it and just had to have it.  I knew it was a terrible costume for cold Utah Fall nights.  And, I could certainly think of far cuter costumes for a pumpkin.  But, I figured she really loved it and it doesn't really matter, does it?  I will say, though, that I am going to STRONGLY encourage a full suit next year.  I don't know of any kid that wants to wear a coat over their costume on Halloween.  And, the layering of clothing under the costume is a pain, too.

Check out how easy last year's costume was.  I'm going for something similar next year!

Halloween firsts, pumpkin princess, pumpkin princess fangs, halloween fangs, halloween firsts, Pumpkin princess costume, Pumpkin Princess Costume, Halloween Kids