The grumpy old (and cold) side of me wanted to groan when I woke up and saw that it was really snowing. But, there is something so peaceful and beautiful about snow. Especially the first of the season. Then there was the joy in seeing M's excitement. She woke up, looked outside and yelled "Mama! It's snowing!!" She had to pull a kitchen chair over to a window to watch for awhile.
We officially embraced it by trying to build a snowman. The snow was too dry, but it was so light, fluffy and fun.
To our Russian readers: I am so curious; what is your snow like? We live in Utah where we claim to have the BEST SNOW ON EARTH. May not be the best snow on Earth, but it sure is the best snow for skiing and snowboarding. The reason is that it is so dry here, that the snow is powder, powder, powder! It's wonderful!
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Absolutely wonderful. Snow makes children sooooo happy! M is very cute. Way to be a good sport about it Heather. Our kids were out playing in it for hours as well.