Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Firsts

At this very moment I have a three year old backed right up to me, nightgown pulled up, and saying "Look at my underwear!" 

On Halloween night she heard one of the older kids chanting an old favorite.  This is what I have been hearing since:  "Trick-or-Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat, if you don't I don't care smell my underwear!"  Yeah, I don't remember the last part going that way either.  It's crazy.  Every time I hear it, I want to correct her, but then have to refrain.  I'm so hoping this passes quickly! 

Another Halloween first. 
M's preschool had it's own little trick-or-treating event.  And, someone handed out fangs!  Once I showed her how to put them in, she was all over it.  She was a growling, fang-wearing pumpkin princess.

Her Dad quickly told her that if she stuck her tongue out while getting her picture taken, it looks funny.

Oh, one more Halloween first.  I didn't stress over M's costume.  She loved the pumpkin princess when she saw it and just had to have it.  I knew it was a terrible costume for cold Utah Fall nights.  And, I could certainly think of far cuter costumes for a pumpkin.  But, I figured she really loved it and it doesn't really matter, does it?  I will say, though, that I am going to STRONGLY encourage a full suit next year.  I don't know of any kid that wants to wear a coat over their costume on Halloween.  And, the layering of clothing under the costume is a pain, too.

Check out how easy last year's costume was.  I'm going for something similar next year!

Halloween firsts, pumpkin princess, pumpkin princess fangs, halloween fangs, halloween firsts, Pumpkin princess costume, Pumpkin Princess Costume, Halloween Kids

1 comment:

  1. Heather your little M cracks me up! What a funny little girl! I wonder where on earth she could possibly get that from? She was absolutely darling in her costumes this year as well as last. At least the weather held up and she was good to go in her pumpkin princess attire.
