Did you know that you can freeze pancakes? I had never thought about it until about a year ago. Hubby likes to make pancakes on Saturday mornings and he typically makes far more than we will eat. A while ago we decided to see how they would freeze.....not bad! M loves them for breakfast during the week. We found that putting a small piece of wax paper between the pancakes (in a freezer bag, of course) is the trick. It keeps them from sticking together and helps prevent freezer burn. Now all I have to do on weekday mornings is take one out of the bag and warm up in the microwave for 1 minute. They taste much better than the frozen varieties in the grocer's freezer section, there's no preservatives and they are a money saver.
Yep, Domestic Diva here. Just thought I'd share that one. Guess what M had for breakfast this morning?
Other things on my mind this morning: A house and remodeling. Hubby and I made an offer on a house yesterday! Now it is making it hard to concentrate on anything else. We weren't expecting to buy a house anytime soon. Things just lined up in the last couple of days. We saw this house on Saturday and were surprised by the price. So, we looked at it on Monday night. It needs A TON of work. Like the entire house needs SERIOUS work. But, the area is great and my husband just happens to be a Contractor and I'm an Interior Designer. So, what is probably scaring most people away is a challenge to us. We haven't heard back from the sellers yet. We're hoping they counter-offer today. I am trying not to be too excited by it, as there are so many factors to be dealt with between now and a potential closing (if we agree on a price). But, I can't help but think about this:
And this...
And this....
And this....
And then there is this....
I know, I know....now I'm just dreaming. Isn't that studio just AMAZING, though? Jody, this is what I think of when I say I need a Studio. :)

Heather, that is so exciting about your offer. Please keep us posted. I can't wait to hear more about it! I loved the photos that you posted of kitchen options. Absolutely gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteNo need to freeze pancakes at this house. My oh my. We down them in one sitting. Hubba hubba.