Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Family Field Trip

Have you ever kept a child home from a school field trip? 

I kept M home from two field trips her Pre-School went on last month.  The first one was because she was sick.  She was sad, but able to keep a positive outlook when I told her that they were scheduled to go on another field trip the following week and if she was feeling better that she could go. 

What I didn't know about the second field trip was that the children would be walking to the facility and would have to walk 1.25 miles there and 1.25 miles back.  I really wanted her to go (especially since it was to see a professional dance company), but I just didn't think that her little 3 year-old legs and still-a-little-sick body could make the distance.  So, I had her stay home. 

Of course, she was super sad....and remembered that I told her she could go on the dance field trip when she was sick and missed the first one (my girl has an elephant's memory).  So, the only solution I could think of was to promise a "Family Field Trip" to the very place she missed when she was sick.

So, this weekend we took her to the Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake.  It really turned out to be a win-win for all.  The only time we could go was during the Super Bowl.  Yep, we missed the Super Bowl to go.  HOORAY (for me)!  And, since it was during the Super Bowl, there were no more than 3 other families there.  Perfect time to go!

Success.  All is well in our home, again.  Hopefully, the next field trip her pre-school takes involves a bus and she is feeling great!

Jody, I loved your dream organization picture!  Sadly, I live in the same reality as you.  Don't feel bad about the Christmas plates.  I STILL have some Christmas decorations up!  It requires a ladder to get them down and I have been told to "stay off ladders" in my "condition".  Since this will require hubby and I to do together after our daily dinner/bathtime/get M to bed routine, I'm thinking they could still be up this summer!

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