Oh Fall how I love thee.....let me count the ways:
I love your beauty....

I love your perfect hiking and biking weather.....
My only complaint this Fall is I haven't spent enough time in it! I have been DYING to take a hike and my mountain bike is calling...no SCREAMING my name. Unfortunately the only hiking I have been doing these days has been from the free parking lot to the college :). Life has gotten a bit busy.
Depressing enough these fall photos (aside for my veggies) were taken LAST year.
Me and the hubby have managed to carve in some time for a mountain bike "Date" day down Rock Canyon next weekend. I am super stoked! I will post pics....hopefully not of my battle wounds. I am not the most graceful biker ;).
I am also putting together my top 10 Fall MUST DO list so stay tuned.
Happy Fall Y'all-Get out and enjoy it!
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