Unfortunately, it was something that had to be sacrificed with the recession. With great reluctance I ventured down the aisles of our local drug store for a replacement. Needless to say, it's been at least 4 years now and I've tried every brightly colored tube of goo available. Nothing even came close to Estee Lauder's good stuff! I'm convinced that with all of the extra money I have had to spend on eye makeup remover, it would have been better to just keep buying the good mascara.
So, you can imagine how excited I was when my mom gave me a gift certificate to Sephora for Christmas. I knew just what I was going to splurge on: A tube of the good stuff! Just before she left back home we hit the new Sephora at The City Center. I had done some research before going and was completely prepared to buy the number one selling mascara in America (it has the funny name like a TV info-mercial). But, when I got there and saw the brush, I became very apprehensive. It looked like it provided a little more definition than I was looking for. So, I asked a very helpful sales associate for some assistance and after hearing what I was looking for, she thought Diorshow by Dior was the match for me. She was SO RIGHT!
I am absolutely loving this mascara. It's huge plush brush and super sleek formula provide RUNWAY LASHES. No lie! It looks like I am wearing fake lashes now. Volume, volume, VOLUME! And the best part? No smudging. The Sales Associate told me that this is the same mascara that Dior models wear in their fashion shows. I was sceptical and thought, "yeah, yeah...we'll see." I actually believe it now. At $25 a tube, it certainly does not qualify for "recession friendly." BUT, I highly and completely recommend it. I am going to find something else to sacrifice to buy another tube of this when it's gone. It is worth every penny!
I also scored on a completely random purchase while at Sephora. I wanted to use the rest of my gift certificate and was in a splurging mood. So, I grabbed a bottle of this:
It is Sephora's Supreme Cleansing Foam. At $5 it was hardly a "splurge", and would completely qualify for "recession friendly." While we have been living on a very fixed income, I have also tried many, many drug store cleaners. I have been completely disappointed with all but Oil of Olay's daily cleansing cloths (and they are just good for the price). My expectations for this cleansing foam were very low. I was so surprised when two squirts of foam completely removed my makeup...including my new mascara! Score! I'm absolutely going back for this. Sayonara drug store "cleanser"!
Speaking of cleansing, if you have been following our blog for awhile, I'm sure that you have noticed that Jody and I skipped any spring cleaning on our blog. A few of our pages STILL are not complete. Story for another day. But, we have decided to get out the old broom and do some dusting. In the next couple of days you will notice some changes. You'll have to let us know what you think. We will likely be getting rid of our "followers/members" on the side bar. For some reason we have oodles of people reading our blog, but not becoming a "member". So, it seems like that little gadget is just taking up space. If you happen to be one of our "members" and get to us through there, please take a quick minute now and add us to your "favorites" on your toolbar.
We'd also love to hear from you! Give us a shout out sometime.

Ooh, I love this post. Thanks for the recommendations.