Even though the headlines don't change much through the course of a day, I find myself looking at a news page on my Blackberry every couple of hours. When I was pregnant I was particularly haunted by stories involving children. Since I knew I wouldn't be able to get the story out of my mind, I would try not to read them. But, inevitably I would find myself pulled to the story and end up with nightmares. The hubby kept telling me not to read them and I would say "I wish there was just some GOOD news once in awhile."
Now that I am up a few times in the middle of the night (nursing), I pass that time scanning through far too much news, as well. And, you know what I am finding? Things seem to be getting worse. Cannibalism is on the rise?? Seriously. Ten years ago did any of us think that we would be hearing about cannibalistic attacks (aside from horror movie previews)? Syria: Heart wrenching. Wisconsin: Crazy. Romney v. Obama: Frustrating. Porn stars: In the news? What is this world coming to?!
While I was nursing the little guy this morning I felt particularly frustrated by the day's headlines (Wisconsin). So, I FINALLY typed "Good News" into Google. This is what I found:
Huffington Post's Good News Headline:
"If You Live Without Fear....Anything Is Possible. Buddy Media CEO Michael Lazerow Makes Unforgettable Video Following Salesforce Acquisition (VIDEO)"
"This week, Buddy Media, a social enterprise software company, was acquired by cloud computing giant Salesforce.com for a staggering $689 million. Shortly after he signed the deal, Buddy Media CEO Michael Lazerow made this inspiring YouTube video. Lazerow, who was born with a serious heart defect had a singular message to deliver: learn to live without fear.
Inspired by Ben Breedlove, a young man with hypertropic cardiomyopathy who shared his emotional but uplifting story in a wordless viral video, Lazerow uses an iPad to poignantly convey his powerful message.
When he was 18-months-old, Lazerow miraculously survived heart failure. Then at 19, he had to have an emergency heart valve replacement after his blood pressure fell to zero.
He explained in the video that the near-death experience changed his life entirely, helping him realize that he needed to start living fearlessly.
Lazerow, considered a thought leader on digital media, is a self-described "serial entrepreneur." Having already started four successful companies, he was named Ernst and Young Entrepreneur Of The Year in the New York region for 2011.
“If you live without fear, anything is possible,” wrote Lazerow. “Is fear holding you back?”
Take 3 minutes to watch this video. It's worth it; I promise. In fact, I suggest that you watch it twice. The first time just watch it. The second, watch Lazerow's facial expressions. I was particularly moved by the expressions he made when thinking about his kids and wife.

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