Warning: I am blogging about breast feeding and supplementing today. I promise to only use the word "nipple" once....okay, maybe twice. I also promise that I will not continue to blog on the nursing issue (too frequently?) just because I have a newborn and that is what is consuming most of my time these days. I just have to blog on it today, because I am SOO very tired and it really is my life right now. If it's not something you want to read about, I don't blame ya. Scroll down to Jody's last post - you'll find much more interesting photos!
At least that is what I have to keep telling myself. If I continue to look at the process as one to "conquer" and remind myself that I got through it with M, I can keep on going. Now for how long, I am not sure.
I'd take a bullet for this guy. Do just about anything for him. So, supplementing it is.
Nursing and supplementing is nursing and feeding your baby formula by bottle. Reason this is slight torture? It is VERY, VERY time consuming and sometimes painful. This is where I throw in the word "nipple" and I'll leave it at that.
Top of Our Dishwasher - Bottle and Pumping Supplies ("horns" as M would say) |
Because my little guy was born so big, he decided to conserve his energy and sugar levels when he was born. This meant that he slept a WHOLE lot and didn't want to eat. I guess this is pretty typical of most large babies. In fact, many hospitals will just give a large baby formula right after they are born. Since my little guy didn't want to eat, it triggered my body to go just as slow as him in producing his food. If you've ever nursed, this makes sense. Your body produces what the baby is telling it they need. The more they eat, the more food your body makes. So, he lost quite a bit of weight right after he was born. Thus, the need to supplement with formula. This just compounded the issue of my slow milk production, so I had to start pumping. No fun.
Warming a bottle the old fashion way |
Needless to say, this is where we are at right now: I nurse for a feeding then he is given a bottle for the next feeding. While he is eating the bottle, I pump to make sure that I don't lose my current levels. THANKFULLY, we are at this point. Just last week I would nurse, then pump 30 minutes later (to increase my supply), then he would get a bottle and I would pump, then I would nurse and so on.....Truly, my days have been tied up nursing, pumping, nursing, pumping. Oh, and taking Domperidone. This helped increase my supply - stuff really works great!
I'm still trying to catch up to his current needs, but he has gained all the weight and more back and is doing great. So, it's all worth it! Hopefully, I can catch up with him and we can get rid of the formula and the pumping. I persobnally can not stand pumping! Can anyone say "MOOO". To think that I was dreading it when I go back to work. That will be a breeze compared to my current schedule!
Now, he just needs to work into a routine. Any routine, really. This woman would like to schedule in some sleep time!

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