Monday, October 3, 2011

Ah Fall

Fall brings on mixed emotions for me.

Things I LOVE about Fall.
1. This picture!  Pretty great right?
2. Amazing scenery
3. Cooler days
4. Cooler nights
5. Harvest time
6. Sense of slowing down
7. Perfect hiking weather
8. Halloween parties
9. Sweater weather
10. Crisp air
Things I DON'T love about Fall
1. The start to the oh so dreaded winter months
2. The COLD days
3. The COLD nights
4. Fall yard work
5. Finding a Halloween costume that makes me look semi attractive but NOT like a bedroom prop (hard balance these days)
6. Halloween parties 
7. The thought of taking workouts to the gym....puke
8. Shorter days
9. Sweater weather
10. Baked Goods=Weight Gain
11. Carving pumpkins (come on....Just being honest ;)
12. Christmas shopping begins

Strange.  You would think since my CONS list count tops that of the PROS I wouldn't  LOVE fall like I do but, I still do.  I think it is God's way of giving us an AMAZING season to distract us from what is to come.  The calm before the storm factor.

If so, thank you God.  I will enjoy it while I can!

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