Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween MADNESS......

This weekend has been jam packed with Halloween hoopla.  Friday night family Halloween party, Saturday Night friends Halloween party.  All of it has left me with a headache and a serious sugar comma....and we have to do it all again tomorrow! 

Here's a little preview of this weekend's madness.....
There was some Apple Bobbin'
Ghost Catchin'
Pinata Pummeling 
 A little mummification
And a Skunk!
About 20 family pictures...not one of them with everyone looking at the same camera ;)
The biggest shocker of the many times I was asked "Who's Audrey Hepburn?" SERIOUSLY???

Thursday, October 27, 2011

One of Those Weeks

This photo doesn't have anything to do with this post.  This was M's first Halloween Costume!  Too cute.  Thought I would throw it in with Halloween just around the corner.

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday!  It has been one of those weeks for us.  Certainly it can always be worse.  But, man it has been one of those weeks where it just seems to be going on and on.

Sunday:  Plan was to head to Idaho Falls for a meeting Monday morning.  We thought it would be perfect to take the family, since my man's dad and sister live just outside of Idaho Falls.  We were going to leave early and spend the day with them.  Even thought I might get to see an aunt of mine that lives there, too.  Nope.  I ended up having to work and we didn't leave the house until 6:00 p.m..  That put us in Idaho Falls at 10:00 p.m..  Let me say that I had one wound up little girl when we got there and anxiety set in when I realized I wasn't going to get much sleep.  Not fun.

Monday:  Found out that a very good friend's father passed way.  Meetings went long.  So, after spending time with my father and sister-in-law, we didn't leave for home until very late.  Home at midnight.  Neither my man or I slept well.  We are very concerned about his dad's affairs and I am very sad for my friend.

Tuesday EXHAUSTED.  All of a sudden my clothes no longer fit.  Arrived back to work to find that tasks that had been delegated were not done on Monday.  Stressed.  Had an extremely annoying call with the adoption coordinator where we got crazy Aubrey.  I will save that for another post. 

Wednesday:  Really behind at work.  Fuel pump went out in my man's truck.

Thursday:  Up three times during the night (pregnant).  Body aches.  M woke up with a wheezing cough.  This evening I am wondering if we are staring croup down the barrel. Truck repairs turned out to be much more than we thought they would be.  UGH!  Since we are short on funds my man is making the repair the parking lot where it broke down.  He wasn't able to finish today.  More musical cars tomorrow.

Okay, I just read my list.  Now I feel like a whiner.  Surely it could be MUCH, MUCH worse!  Consider this a whiny vent (just keeping it real).  And, did I tell you that I am really looking forward to the end of this week?  Too bad my man has to work all weekend to make up for the days lost on truck repairs!  Looking forward to next week.  :)

Idaho Falls, Vent, Chevy Fuel Pump, Chevrolet Fuel Pump, 1996 Chevrolet Fuel Pump Out in Truck, Preganant Aches, Pregnant Aches, Chevy Fuel Pump, Baby Ladybug Costume, baby ladybug costume, ladybug halloween costume, baby ladybug halloween costume, infant ladybug costume, infant ladybug halloween costume, infant ladybug, Halloween costume, infant ladybug Halloween costume, Idaho Falls Meeting, Pregnant aches and pains, Baby costume.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

95 Years

We celebrated my grandmothers 95th birthday today.  Not many people can say they lived to 95, my cute little grandma can ;).  She was not up for taking many pictures, she stayed in bed for her party but she was happy we were all there.  We did manage to get some pics out by their barn....a barn older than her and a city historical structure. 

Many memories at my grandparents' house.  We all swung on the rope swing in the barn, picked raspberries and peas in the garden, chased the chickens and sheep and collected eggs.  Visiting them could take anyone back to simpler times.  

Today we got to see our children (her great grandchildren) do the same.  It was surreal and a memory I will cherish forever.  Time seems like yesterday I was the kid at my grandma's house. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Deer Widow Weekend, Feedback and more......

First things first.  LOVE the idea Heather.  I really think you are on to something and I would SO come to this party!  When is it again?

Second a comment on Harvest Time.  I have so lucked out.  My husband does the canning (part of our role reversal thing we have going on).  He has done salsa, stewed tomatoes and bottled peppers so far this year. 

My comment for the week: Women competing in a Biggest Loser competition should be exempt one week a month (you ladies all know which week). I have literally eaten like a rabbit this entire week and STILL managed to gain six ounces!

My baby boy the big deer hunter!

It is the Coyster's first hunt.  He is 12 and can actually hunt.  Crazy right?  He is so stoked.  It makes me so sad.  I seems like yesterday I was holding my little baby.  Now he is heading up the mountain with the men and a GUN!  YIKES!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Million Dollar Idea

Idea #585:  Pinatas for Adults!
I'm thinking it's a million dollar idea.  What do you think? 
Wouldn't it be fun to have a "Take Out Your Frustrations" Party? 
Imagine, if you will:
-  5 to 10 friends
-  Hors d'oeuvres and drinks
-  Time for everyone to vent weeks/months frustrations.  Nothing serious.  But, time to vent.
-  THEN, everyone taking a turn at a GIANT green elephant
-  Pinata could be filled with gift cards and Godiva chocolates! 
           -  Gift Certificate Ideas:  House Cleaning, Pedicure, 90 Minute Massage, Sephora
-  Thinking "Back in Black" by ACDC or "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses would be most appropriate while swinging the bat.

Jody, I'm thinking I have something here.  Add to the "Ideas" list?  I can see this on late night TV.  :)

Ready for bed,
Pinata, pinata, pinata, large pinata, party ideas, party idea for women, girlfriends party idea, elephant pinata, large elephant pinata, girls night out, girlfriends party, pinata ideas, giant pinata, ladies party ideas, bunco pinata

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Harvest Time

We had A LOT of ripe tomatoes, jalapeno peppers and Anaheim peppers in our garden.  Because it looks like frost is just around the corner, we decided that it was time to make some salsa!

A little of this, a little of that and a handy (and very willing) assistant.
We were canning salsa like pro's!

It turned out delicious!

Canning reminds me of my childhood.  It seems like when I was younger most women still canned vegis, jams, pickles....My mom used to make jam this time of year.  Then it seems like it became something of the past.  Just easier to buy from the grocery store.  Doesn't it seem like with the current economy more people are growing their own gardens and canning, again? 

I'll be the first to admit that as we were pouring salsa into jars to boil I found myself wondering if it was all worth it.  It is always more work than you remember.  But, in the end, very much worth the effort.  I'm really loving this salsa recipe and we have an entire years' supply!

Jelly is next up this week.

Canning, canned salsa, canned salsa, canning, canned salsa, canning tomatoes, canning salsa, canned salsa

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Speaking of the Occupy Movement.....


Good ol' Rush....always so full of wisdom and meaningful opinions ;).

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dirty Laundry

The laundry war starts TODAY.......

With everything going on my laundry is SO behind! 
You know Heather's post "breeding and weeding" yep, that's my laundry pile.  

Yes, there are baskets under the clothes.....somewhere!!  

Why air my dirty laundry I am sure you are all thinking....well to show we are all human!  

AND that we all have a little (in my case A LOT) of dirty laundry in our lives ;).  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Loving a Good Deal

I remember the days before I had any little ones and my friend Emilee (QUEEN of sales) would email to say such and such store was having a great sale.  I would always just laugh to myself.  I never seemed to care much....sales can get messy and require you to work just a little bit.

Well, like I said, that was before I had a little one that outgrows clothes in a matter of minutes and needs child care (cha ching, cha ching).  I now fully realize not caring about a good sale was a LUXURY.

I scored on a sweet deal earlier and thought I would share.  If you are in Utah, check out the steal on Plum District today.  For $10 I got a $20 Gift Certificate to Tai Pan Trading.  I'm going to use mine for decorations, but this would make a great Christmas gift.  They mail a real Gift Certificate (no cheesy piece of paper saying you got a "steal").

While I'm sharing, do you ever look at My SLC Mommy?  You can find them here.  Jody actually showed me this site last year.  There is always great information (in one spot) on deals going on in Utah.  Coupons, too, if you are into that.

By the way, what is up with the "Extreme Couponing"??  Just once I would like to see someone on that show buy groceries that they can actually use in the following weeks.  Seriously, who really needs a garage full of soda, toothpaste & deodorant?

Butterfinger anyone?

Plum District, Plum District, Deals, Salt Lake deals, Salt Lake deals, Salt Lake discounts, Extreme Couponing, Extreme Couponing, Plum District, Plum District, Utah deals, Utah deals, Utah discounts, Utah discounts, Utah coupons, Plum District, Salt Lake deals, Salt Lake discounts, Plum District, Plum District, Extreme Couponing, Plum District, Utah deals, Salt Lake deals, My SLC Mommy, My SLC Mommy, My SLC Mommy

Monday, October 10, 2011

"Ma-Larry-ia", Hee-Haws, Cops, Company and More.....

Well once again another eventful eventful it kept me from blogging.  

So here is an overview:  

The weekend kicked off early, Thursday night to be exact when our renter (Larry) aka "Ma-Larry-ia" was spotted moving a rainstorm....with two months in rent owing (hence the nickname).  

Then on to Friday night fever, "Ma-Larry-ia" induced, when the cops responded to him breaking in to take the very few items left that we could possibly hold for collateral.    The best part about it...there was nothing they could do.  As Heather would say, SIGH.  

Friday night "Elk Hunting Widows" ladies night....with the exception of the newly wed couple.  They always seem to be the exception.  Freakishly strange to the old married couples like us.  

Saturday a house full of guests....all the cousins together, which means a house filled to the brim with kids...which ALSO means a BIG mess to clean up!

Sunday night toured the damage of the newly vacant house....with the power shut off of course.  Thanks "Ma-Larry-ia".;).

What a weekend right?  Never a dull moment.

Me and Indiana decided to start the week right and headed to Hee-Haws for her preschool field trip.  She had a blast.  To add some much needed visual interest to this blog post, here are some highlights from our little outing.

Don't you LOVE old trucks.  To take pictures in front of at least.

I thought sunflowers were happy flowers ;). 

So much to do!

Redefining the "House on the Hill"

An "Ideal" picture that is.

She LOVED the hayride

She was such a good sport today, posing all over the place.  I got some great pics!  Man she is adorable and so grown up :(.

How was your weekend? 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Dollar Store Decorating and Stuff

M and I have started our Halloween decorating.  A little late.  But, better late than never, right?  Hopefully, we will be able to finish up this weekend.
I thought I would share a quick and very cheap idea.  I still only had my phone to take pictures with and I just noticed that some are very blurry.  Sorry.  Look at them as CREEEPY.
First we started with some pumpkins

M is so cute.  When we were picking out pumpkins, she went straight to the itty bitty tiny ones.  She is calling the pumpkin I chose the "Mamma Pumpkin", the one hubby chose the "Daddy Pumpkin" and hers is the "Baby Pumpkin".
After we bought our pumpkins we went to the Dollar Store for a few supplies.  I picked up some "Creepy Cloth" and wired ribbon.  $2.  Score!

I wrapped some of the Creepy Cloth around the pumpkin.  Then, had my assistant hold it in place while I placed a ribbon on top.

TA DA!  Quick, easy and cheap decorating!

We can just pull the cloth and ribbon off when we are ready to carve these babies.  I am really liking the look, though.  Maybe we will have to get a few more pumpkins to carve and keep these as added decor.  Yeah, I like that idea.

Other Stuff:

Steve Jobs:  What an amazing pioneer!  Yesterday I saw an article where someone said, "Steve Jobs made a dent in the universe."  So very true.  Isn't it just incredible to think of how his creations have changed the world?  I remember the very first time I saw and used a mouse (computer, that is). I must have been about 12 or 13 years old.  One of my friends' dad had bought their family a mac that was operated with a mouse.  She kept telling me that I just HAD to try it.  When I did, I remember thinking "WOW!  This is so easy and GREAT!"  Now EVERY computer has a mouse!  I love that he said he wanted to make technology easy enough for children and the elderly to use.  Mission accomplished.  Thank you!

The Occupy Movement:  Completely see myself protesting in the near future.  Why?  If nothing else, to simply let our politicians know that we are not happy with the job they are doing.  Check it: 

Along those lines:  Utah Rep. Lee is proposing a tax BREAK for products produced over seas.  He'd like to see the tax decreased from 35% to 5%.  WHAT???  Is he SERIOUS?! 


I love this song!

Halloween pumpkin decorating ideas, cheap and easy Halloween decorating, cheap Halloween decorating idea, easy Halloween decorating idea, Halloween pumpkin, cheap and easy Halloween ideas, cheap and easy Halloween decorating ideas, Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs mouse, Occupy Salt Lake City,, Occupy movement in Salt Lake, Occupy Salt Lake, Foster the People, Easy simple cheap Halloween decorating ideas, Easy simple cheap Halloween decorating, Dollar Store Decorating, Dollar Store Decorating, Easy Halloween idea, Cheap Halloween idea.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Speaking of business....

I think we all will mourn the loss of this AMAZING visionary!  To see what he has accomplished and created in his lifetime is awe inspiring for sure.

I heard an amazing report on his journey tonight on NPR (always my radio station of choice).  His story inspires me, it also reminds me that not all business is "usual" and that is what makes it phenomenal.  He was fired as CEO...brought back, founded PIXAR, worked for Atari, Not only took but ADMITTEDLY took LSD and then went on to say it was one of the two or three most important things he had done in his life :).....and it all started in a garage.  So...yes we have had a few set backs.  Haven't we all.  It is how we get back up that matters. 

Your time is limited..don’t waste it living someone else’s life. ~ Steve Jobs

There is my inspirational piece in my early morning delirium :)  Goodnight to all.  Remember to Dream!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gardner Village and an Update

Saturday we officially kicked off the Halloween Season by hanging out at Gardner Village.
I think that Gardner Village pretty much owns Halloween fun for kids in Utah.
Well, just when I say that I think of Red Butte Garden's "Garden After Dark"........Okay, they are both contenders for the best Halloween fun for kiddos.

M and her little friend had a great time looking for all of the witches on a scavenger hunt.
The little cutie in the orange dress is my girlfriend's daughter.  She's 6 years old, so M is absolutely ENTHRALLED with her.  Anything she did, M had to do.  See the matching hats.  I was actually surprised that M chose a different color.

This was one of their first attempts at a "scary face".  By the time we left, M had a "scary face" JUST like her buddy.  
They got to go to a little tea party with Halloween cupcakes and treats (even got to bring dolls along) and ended the day with a pony ride.  Definitely a good way to kick off the season!

So, I was thinking that if you have been following our blog for a little while, you might be wondering what happened to our mid-September business deadline.  Maybe not.  But, just in case you are, I thought I'd give an update.

In true Jody & Heather fashion, we were thrown another curve ball.  Well, really poor Jody's family was thrown another curve ball in the form of ANOTHER surgery for her poor hubby.  So, we have pushed our biz deadline out a few weeks.  We've learned to deal with the setbacks....right, Jody?  Jody?? 

Gardner Village, Gardner Village Witches, Gardner's Village, Gardner's Village Halloween, Gardner's Village breakfast with a witch, Gardner's Village pony rides, Gardner's Village scavenger hunt, Gardner's Village, Gardner Village Witchfest, Gardner Village Witch Fest, Gardner Village Witch Fest, Gardner Village Halloween, Gardner Village Breakfast with a Witch, Gardner Village, Halloween fun in Utah, Halloween Salt Lake City, Halloween Utah, Gardner Village, Gardner Village Witch Fest, Gardner Village Halloween, Gardner Village 2011, Gardner's Village 2011, Gardner Village Halloween 2011, Gardner Village pony rides, Halloween