Thursday, September 1, 2011

A List

Smells That I Am Currently Avoiding Like the Plague:
Car Exhaust
Dog Breath
Thai Food
Chinese Food
Vietnamese Food
Baby Shampoo
Most Detergents
Microwave and Kitchen at Work
Garbage Cans
Scented Lotions (Bummer!)

Did I mention the dogs?  I've got TWO in my house.  Thank goodness the weather is great and we have an enormous apricot tree to provide plenty of shade in the backyard.  Someone (I'm thinking husband) needs to give them a good long bath!  Then clean the kitchen floor.  Check out that picture above!  Eeeeeeeew!

Pregnant, Pregnant Smells, First Trimester, Dogs, Smelly Dogs, List of Smells, First Trimester Pregnant, Pregnant avoiding smells, First Trimester Smells, Dog in First Trimester, Avoiding Dog Smells in first trimester, avoiding smells in first trimester of pregnancy, avoiding smells in first trimester of pregnancy, Pregnant, First Trimester, Avoiding dogs in first trimester

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I feel for you! I still vividly recall how the wrong scent can further upset an already upset tummy. Yuck! I couldn't go grocery shopping for about 2 months. Way too many things that smelled strong in there. Your commentary on your dogs made me giggle. Yes, the smell of wet dog especially is quite nauseating even when not pregnant.
