Friday, September 30, 2011

Check this out!

I am really loving this!

STA Travel sent three friends on an amazing trip around the world.  This is a 6 week journey of a lifetime crammed into one minute.

PS - I'm so excited.  I got a message from one of my friends yesterday saying that she found my camera.  Hooray! 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall Fun!

After a failed weekend yard sale, a house full of people and a crash to clean up; we took off for some much needed downtime. We packed ourselves a nice little picnic and headed up Provo Canyon to see the leaves.

Poor Heather....I wish she could have done the same.  Get feeling better M!

 I love fall!  Perfect temperatures, amazing colors....only bummer is what is to follow;  Winter.  YUCK.

The hubby of course HAD to snap the pic while I am eating!  It turned out pretty cute of us all anyway.   

The view was amazing!

"B" was so content playing with her fall leaves. They were her little friends. 

And dad made little leaf families with clear packing tape.  Clever, clever!

Overall a great day. There is nothing like a day out in the mountains to get you ready to face your week.  You've seen our weekend....the good and the bad!  

What did you do? 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oh Boy

Things have been a little crazy for Jody and I this past week.  Nothing really new, right?

M brought home an UGLY stomach virus.  Passed it along, too.  UGH!
I can not stand stomach junk.  I would much rather have a head cold than be sick to my stomach!  Especially pregnant!

The other night M was having a terrible time sleeping and we were all exhausted.  So, when she was up at 4:00 AM, we finally just brought her into our bed.  She slept great for a few hours.  Then I heard her really tossing and rustling around.  At first I thought she was just getting up for the morning, but something seemed off.  Then I heard her lean over me and say "Mamma, I don't feel good."  THEN she threw up on my FACE!  EEEEEEEEW!  Morning sickness and a sick child do not go well together!  I am thinking that I need to write that down somewhere so that I can remind her when she is complaining about my parenting.  I think that one deserves some sort of kudo points!

So, on top of the stomach virus that made it's round through our home, my man is having a colonoscopy in the morning.  Poor guy had to beat the stomach virus and then stay on the pot all night by his own free will!

It is gross, but I have to say that I am SO done with poop this week!

On that note, I'm off to bed!

Colonoscopy, Stomach Virus, colonoscopy preparation, back to school sicknesses, toddler with stomach virus, colonoscopy preparation, toddler with stomach flu, colonoscopy

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


M has started taking a ballet class.  She LOVES it.

She was so excited I was having a hard time getting her to hold still for a picture.

Now I just need to find a tutu for a preschooler that is less than $20.00!  The stores definitely have you when it comes to dance attire.  They know you HAVE to have it, so they charge an arm and a leg!  Seriously.  $15 (on SALE) for a leotard??  It's just a tiny piece of spandex.  I need to jump online.

ballet class, tutus, cost of dance attire, ballet calss, affordable dance attire, affordable dance attire, ballet, ballet class for preschooler, toddler ballet, affordable dance attire.

Monday, September 19, 2011


This post is like my week was.....a mixed bag.  I little good, a little bad, a lot going on, too much to do.  You know, business as usual.  It was a crazy week for sure but nothing like the weeks to come (hubby's surgery coming up quickly).  While I wish I had the mental energy to blog about something significant like Heather's political discussion Thursday (a great one I agree with 100%)....I opted for some random for you. 

"B"zer's swam some laps (not really of course but she was ready)

 I did some "squash lifting".   Just a tad bit embarrassed by this photo not going to lie ;)

I successfully picked out AND returned three of the same bedspreads (just different colors :).

Other random doings this week: 
Had a KSL selling BLITZ this weekend...quite a successful one I must say!
Fell asleep to the BYU/UTAH game....sorry not a big football fan.
Fell to second place in my biggest loser family challenge (even with my squash lifting)!
Went to TWO movies and was shocked I liked both of them (Cowboys and Aliens and Kung Fu Panda 2)
Ate my second place sorrows away in Red Vines and Popcorn at the movies :)
Hubby was charged by a GIGANTIC crazy scary dog...I myself jumped back in the car 
(I will have to fill you all in on our luck with LARGE animals....another time).

Something more substantial later :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I just realized that I missed the Groupon deadline to buy a $20 for $10 deal for Blue Iguana. 
I love this place.
Here's some of my favorite dishes:

It's too bad that looking at these pictures right now is really making my stomach turn.  Today is a crackers only day.  Boo.

So, speaking of "drats" and "dang its" and things just annoying, I just received the "Hatch Dispatch" (emailed newsletter from Senator Orrin Hatch)  titled "How to Grow the Economy".  For the few reading this blog, I'm sure the first thing you are wondering is why I am receiving Hatch's Newsletter.  Trust me; I didn't sign up for it.  I've emailed his office a few times in the past couple of years and now I'm tortured with the newsletters.  Good way to keep people from emailing.  ;)

I'm sure that when Jody and I set some ground rules about this little blog, we will decide not to discuss politics.  BUT, since we don't have any rules established yet, I'm voicing an annoyed opinion today:  I am SO tired of the CIRCUS ACT being put on by our elected officials!  I feel like renting a few monkeys and placing them in some local politicians' yards.  Including the one I voted for!  Maybe set up a tent, sell some popcorn and hot dogs.  Hey, now there's a way to make some extra cash.  Just saying.

So, I couldn't help but roll my eyes when I saw Hatch's Newsletter pop up just minutes after Boehner made his announcement of "No tax hikes for deficit super committee".  The Hatch Dispatch echoes those sentiments with the following:

"Fellow Utahns-

Last week, President Obama spoke to Congress about his plan for job creation Instead of charting a new course to get America back to work, he laid out more of the same failed policies of more government spending fueled by tax increases.  

I’m not the only one who sees the problems with the President’s approach.  With every passing day, bipartisan opposition grows.  The reasons are clear: our economy cannot shoulder more job-killing tax hikes and doesn’t need any more temporary, ineffective stimulus proposals. 

What America needs is a lesson from Utah, where we know that pro-growth policies of low taxes, reduced spending, and limited regulation is the best path forward. 

Those Utah values are my guide as I work to reform our burdensome and costly tax code , bring down our over $14.5 trillion debt, roll back the thousands of Washington regulations, and reform our near bankrupt entitlements. 

These are the policies the American people deserve.


Senator Orrin Hatch"

To that I say PUUUUUUUUUHLEEEEEEEEASE!  Honestly.  When does this all end?  I mean the back and forth finger pointing.  The political grandstanding and leveraging.  The new reality show called "American Politics"?

I would love for someone on the right to answer how the lowest tax rates for the wealthy in AMERICAN HISTORY has had nothing to do with our failing economy.  To me it's one of the large elephants in the room.  You know, I understand the theory behind the "Trickle Down Effect", but I can also say that I have never seen it work in real-life.  People are simply too greedy and selfish.  Continuing to keep taxes on the wealthy low would be like telling a business owner to charge his wealthy customers far less for a product than his other customers.  Of course no one would do that.  It's bad business.  The owner would know he would be the only one to lose in that equation.  So, why are we doing it with our government funds??

Ok, I'm really about done.  I'm all for reeling in Medicaid and cutting government waste.  And, I have to believe that most Americans are willing to pull up their boot straps and do whatever needs to be done to turn this ship around.  I personally think that most of us are just so tired of the shenanigans, tired of the stress that has come with the last several years (good heavens, 1 in 6 Americans now live in poverty!), and tired of the bipartisanship that we have given up on pushing our elected to get something done.  I wonder what the tipping point will be??

Blue Iguana Restaurant, Blue Iguana Restaurant Salt Lake City, Bipartisanship, American Politics, Bipartisanship, Orrin Hatch, Hatch Dispatch, Orrin Hatch, Hatch Dispatch, Boehner, Tax increases for the wealthy, raise taxes on the wealthy, Blue Iguana, Bipartisanship, Orrin Hatch, Hatch Dispatch, Boehner, Raise Taxes on the Wealthy, Hatch

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Parenthood....and other distractions

With the hubby going back in for hernia surgery number FOUR (second within two months) and being out of work for ANOTHER two months, I am in dire need of some distractions :). 

Here is my current distraction list:
1. Parenthood-(my very favorite prime time TV sitcom ever) premiered tonight. Whoot whoot!
2. Weeds-My naughty little Showtime distraction
3. The Big C-My sentimental life is short Showtime distraction
4. Soon to come GLEE (I am a total Gleek!  I went from hating to loving).  Probably my Karaoke distraction?
5. New Charlaine Harris book: Dead Reckoning-based on the HBO TV series True Blood-Vampire distraction?
6. My family biggest loser contest.  Still in first place and probably my ONLY healthy distraction :)
7. My IPOD on shuffle (best kidproof earplugs ever ;)

And here is my distractions WISH list:
1. Retail Therapy
2. Hot Baths
3. Date Nights
4. Good Food
5. Massages
6. Pedicures
7. Margaritas
8. Sleep

Here I go with the lists again.  Those pesky things are cropping up everywhere!

Glee, The Big C , Weeds, Dead reckoning, Glee, Parenthood, The Big C, Glee

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Ago Today

I have been sick this weekend, so I have spent a lot of time on my sofa.  The History Channel has been showing many interesting programs on the events of 09-11-01.  So, I have spent most of my weekend reflecting on that day and those following.  

When I first starting in on the marathon, I was pretty aprehensive.  I was cautious, as I know that I am much more emotional than normal, so I didn't want to really stress myself out.  But, that really didn't happen.  Maybe because I have seen so many of the disturbing images before, I didn't find myself feeling shocked or stressed.  I learned so much about that day that I never knew before.  Did you know that the only way off of Manhattan on 09-11 was by boat?  It was the largest water evacuation in history.  Even larger than anything in World War II.

I learned of heroric tales.  Tales of those that risked their own lives to save others.  The unity and care shown that day was truly amazing.

But it wasn't until I saw the news today that I cried.  It was the coverage of the Fire Department's Memorial Service.  There was a young woman that sang Amazing Grace for the service.  Her father was one of the firefighters that was lost that day.  She was only a young girl at the time.  She has a lovely voice and her rendition was so beautiful.....but, in the middle of the song she had to stop and then began to cry.  The crowd encouraged her and showed support with gentle clapping and a firefighter walked over to her to offer support.  She was able to gather herself enough to finish.  It was shaky, but she made it.  My heart broke.

I can not imagine the pain of a child knowing that their father was taken by a terrorist act.  The tragedy.  I thought of the 10 years she has had without him and how the pain is (and surely always will be) so raw.  He didn't get to see her today.  Didn't get to be the one to offer her his hand.  He didn't get to be there for her first days of school, first dance, will miss her wedding and all his grandchildren.  I can not imagine the pain her mother has suffered.  The hardships of raising her daughter without him. 

The same has been true for thousands and thousands more.  And, I can't help but say "And, for what??" 

                            "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
                                                                                         - Romans 12:21

9-11-01, 09-11-01, 09-11-01, September 11th, September 11th, 09-11 Fire Department Memorial, 09-11 New York Fire Department Memorial, New York Fire Department Memorial, 09-11-01, September 11 New York Fire Department Memorial

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Day in the City

Man I love Salt Lake City.  So much to much to much diversity;  So before school started we took the kids up for a fun packed day in the city.  

First stop-Discovery Gateway
I can not believe how much fun this place is.   The kids had a BLAST!  
Here "B" is pickin' the veggies.  

Indiana Jane hanging out with her "Weebles" 

 The kids rocking out on the gigantic piano-music maker-thing

Future Anchorwomen of America

From there we headed to Liberty Park.  
While we didn't feed the ducks......we did head straight for the water!
 Indiana Jane was the first to take to the water....wouldn't expect anything less ;).

"B"-this is the latest face she is sporting....hilarious!

Heather was right, we were pretty crazy to cram it all into one day.  The kids had a RIOT....but we were EXHAUSTED by the time we got home. 

Speaking of exhausted....that I am. 

Over and out!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Not Ready to Give In Yet

Summer is my favorite season.  In fact, the hotter the better for me. 
Rides in the Jeep (top off, of course), swimming, fireworks, feeding ducks...
Liberty Park.  What could be better, really?
And, I have to say that I feel pretty ripped off this year.  And, last year, too.  Since it rained ALL through the end of June, we really only got two months of summer. 
That's really NOT enough.

With the new chill in the air and spotting leaves beginning to turn this week, I found myself thinking about what I need to do to change the decor at our house.  I was thinking about a simple fall leaf wreath on the front door.  Maybe some leaf arrangements in the Living Room.  As much as I love Halloween, I'm definitely not ready to go there yet. 
Then I remembered that I only went swimming one time this summer.  That's sad.  So, I said "Forget It".  I'm not ready for fall leaf wreaths.  M and I went to the store and bought some bright yellow and purple flowers to replace those that have dried out.  I'll just transition straight from vibrant flowers to Halloween this year.  I MIGHT be ready for fall next month.

Liberty Park, Liberty Park, Liberty Park Pond, Liberty Park Duck Pond, short summer, Liberty Park Salt Lake City, Liberty Park Pond, Summer in Utah, Summer in Utah, Liberty Park Duck Pond

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Last weekend we took our first trip to the Uintas in YEARS!  So sad, we used to go a few times each year when the Coyster was tiny; but two more kids (as I have said before) sure do slow you down. 

Time away made us forget a couple things.

#1 It is COLD up there.  (This is not shorts and tank top country.) 
#2 There are a TON of bugs!

Being us as usual we took off for the high mountains in our summer attire.  Once we arrived we were quick to figure out what we had forgotten :).  Thanks to our trunk that never gets cleaned out we ended up with a couple sweatshirts, a fishing knife (with flint and steel) and....sprayable sunscreen! 

Who knew that sprayable sunscreen could have so many practical applications.....

#1 FIRE STARTER-When the good ol' boyscout method fails you.  Add a few sprays of sunscreen :).  

#2 BUG REPELLENT-They seem to hate the taste of sunscreen just as bad.

And while it rained a good portion of the time and the sun hid behind the clouds.  Sunscreen protected us plenty ;).

Brought to you by:

Uintas, Sunscreen, Mountains, Uintas, Sunscreen,

(not an official sunscreen spokesperson)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

3 Going On 21

We enjoyed Labor Day boating with my Dad at Deer Creek Reservoir.
We really had a good time.

The weather was a little "iffy" for awhile.  The sun would shine and then clouds would move in and we would be sprinkled on.  Thankfully nothing severe.  We were able to have a picnic and M was able to at least get her toes wet.
And, it turned out the water wasn't at the top of M's list, anyway.  She had other interests yesterday.
She wanted to DRIVE....the BOAT!

This is my 3-year-old "figuring out controls, Mamma".
I saw something in her eyes that was reminiscent of myself......
It scared me.  Quite a bit, really.
I couldn't help thinking that this is just the beginning.  It's only a matter of time until she is begging to learn to drive the car.  At 12, maybe?  I can SO see it coming!
Look how serious she was about it.  She REALLY wanted to drive.  AND told me that she didn't need any help, either! 
I need to go place some serious locks on the inside of our windows!
Taking prayers now.

Deer Creek Reservoir, Toddler, Deer Creek Reservoir, Toddler Fun Ideas, Fun Ideas for Toddlers, Boating in Utah, Boating at Deer Creek Reservoir