I so understand toddler phases.....and while we still have the "potty in EVERY potty" phase going on we have entered a new realm. The realm of WHY.
WHY? It is the question of the day ALL day....EVERY day for my little Indiana Jane.
My mom says it is a four year old thing. That is good....I guess...However that would mean I have TEN more months of it!
I have tried explaining WHY before the question....I have tried saying "Because"....I think I have tried just about everything and it seems to only fuel the WHY flame.
Mom: Indiana you can not pick up your sister you are too small she could get hurt.
Indiana: WHY?
Mom: Indiana you can not poke your baby sister in the eye that can really hurt her.
Indiana: WHY?
Mom: Indiana please do not play outside without shoes it can hurt your feet.
Indiana: WHY?
(Notice how most of our CONVO's are about not hurting her sister, we have those a lot)
All I can say is I hope the WHY phase doesn't last as long as the potty phase....
WHY you ask? Because :).
Monday, August 29, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Finns and the Restaurant Potty Break
M has entered a new phase. One that is making me just a little crazy.
When we go to a restaurant now, within 10 minutes of sitting down, she says "I have to go potty."
I say, "Can you wait a minute?" The answer is always the same: "No! I have to go potty, mamma!"
Of course it doesn't matter that our food is going to get cold.
I've also tried telling her to go before we leave the house. Nope. Of course, she doesn't have to go then.
But, when we get to the restaurant, it never fails. A switch it flipped.
I think it's the "curiosity switch".
And, who wouldn't want to see Finn's bathroom. Right?
This place is certainly one-of-a-kind. Fantastic atmosphere with a nod to the past.
I didn't take my camera to the bathroom, but it WAS really neat. They have waterfall faucets.
While Finns' bathroom is clean and visually appealing, I can't say the same for most restaurants. Especially fast food joints. ICK. It doesn't matter where we are really, she just needs to check out the bathroom. Grocery Store, Restaurants, Homes...she's gotta go.
Oh, yeah. It has to be the GIRL'S bathroom. NOT the boy's. So, Daddy can't help.
Please, oh please, let this be a quick phase.
Finn's Restaurant, Finns, Potty Breaks, Toddler Potty, Toddler Potty, Finns, Finn's Salt Lake City, Finn's, Toddler Potty Break, Finn's, Finn's Restaurant, Toddler Potty Break.
When we go to a restaurant now, within 10 minutes of sitting down, she says "I have to go potty."
I say, "Can you wait a minute?" The answer is always the same: "No! I have to go potty, mamma!"
Of course it doesn't matter that our food is going to get cold.
I've also tried telling her to go before we leave the house. Nope. Of course, she doesn't have to go then.
But, when we get to the restaurant, it never fails. A switch it flipped.
I think it's the "curiosity switch".
And, who wouldn't want to see Finn's bathroom. Right?
This place is certainly one-of-a-kind. Fantastic atmosphere with a nod to the past.
I didn't take my camera to the bathroom, but it WAS really neat. They have waterfall faucets.
While Finns' bathroom is clean and visually appealing, I can't say the same for most restaurants. Especially fast food joints. ICK. It doesn't matter where we are really, she just needs to check out the bathroom. Grocery Store, Restaurants, Homes...she's gotta go.
Oh, yeah. It has to be the GIRL'S bathroom. NOT the boy's. So, Daddy can't help.
Please, oh please, let this be a quick phase.
Finn's Restaurant, Finns, Potty Breaks, Toddler Potty, Toddler Potty, Finns, Finn's Salt Lake City, Finn's, Toddler Potty Break, Finn's, Finn's Restaurant, Toddler Potty Break.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Gotta' Love Grandparents!
Man my parents are amazing! If I have even HALF the energy or the adventure they do at their age I will be in good shape.
We are talking about Costa Rica Zipline riding Grandparents......
(Unfortunately my mom and dad were not so forthcoming with this evidence :)
Grandpa's that are an active member of the Tea Party.....(Of course not that Tea Party dad!)
Grandparents who took three TWEEN grandchildren to TEN (yes ten) state parks in one week..... (don't know where the other TWEEN is, I am sure she looks equaly excited)
Grandma's that sew "twinner" sundresses for all of her grandaughters.....
Grandparents who will drag out the costume box AND dress up with the kids......
Grandpa's that set up KILL YOUR SELF homemade Slip N Slides...then slide down them themselves....
(No photo was released of this event, grandparent's were not quick to incriminate themselves)
Granparent's that take the grandkids Ice Skating and to a Hot Spring Crater EVERY year as a Christmas Tradition........
Grandparent's that can out hike...out picnic...out adventure even the KIDS!
Here's to you mom and dad! And your freakish energy!
Grandparents, Grandparetns, Grandpaerents, Grandparents, Grandman, Grandpa,
We are talking about Costa Rica Zipline riding Grandparents......
(Unfortunately my mom and dad were not so forthcoming with this evidence :)
Grandpa's that are an active member of the Tea Party.....(Of course not that Tea Party dad!)
Grandparents who took three TWEEN grandchildren to TEN (yes ten) state parks in one week..... (don't know where the other TWEEN is, I am sure she looks equaly excited)
Grandma's that sew "twinner" sundresses for all of her grandaughters.....
Grandparents who will drag out the costume box AND dress up with the kids......
Grandpa's that set up KILL YOUR SELF homemade Slip N Slides...then slide down them themselves....
(No photo was released of this event, grandparent's were not quick to incriminate themselves)
Granparent's that take the grandkids Ice Skating and to a Hot Spring Crater EVERY year as a Christmas Tradition........
Grandparent's that can out hike...out picnic...out adventure even the KIDS!
Here's to you mom and dad! And your freakish energy!
Grandparents, Grandparetns, Grandpaerents, Grandparents, Grandman, Grandpa,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Grand Mesa National Park
My parents live just below the beautiful Grand Mesa on the Western Slope of the Colorado Rockies.
The Mesa is absolutely stunning! With over 300 lakes, the views are just amazing.
These lakes are one of the reasons that my parents moved to this beautiful place.
Fishing. My step-dad has enjoyed many, many hours on these lakes. It is nice and quiet. And, the fishing is good.
We decided to take the scenic way home last time we were there and go over the Mesa. It only took an extra hour (with stops) and it was more than worth it.
M said it "was so BEAUTIFUL!"
It was blazing hot in the valley.....it was such a relief to find a little rain up there.
The Mesa is absolutely stunning! With over 300 lakes, the views are just amazing.
These lakes are one of the reasons that my parents moved to this beautiful place.
Fishing. My step-dad has enjoyed many, many hours on these lakes. It is nice and quiet. And, the fishing is good.
We decided to take the scenic way home last time we were there and go over the Mesa. It only took an extra hour (with stops) and it was more than worth it.
M said it "was so BEAUTIFUL!"
It was blazing hot in the valley.....it was such a relief to find a little rain up there.
I have to keep reminding myself to take the scenic route. It seems like we always have so much to do, and so many places to be, that we don't take time to appreciate some of the most incredible places on earth....right in our backyard!
Grand Mesa National Park, Colorado Rockies, Grand Mesa, Scenic Route, Grand Mesa, Colorado Rockies, Grand Mesa National Park, Western Slope, Western Slope
Monday, August 22, 2011
Should it stay or should it go?
EVERYTIME I cut my hair short (shorter) it just never seems to be short enough. I can go from halfway down my back to a Pixie Cut without batting an eye.
I figure once you cut over six inches it just seems irrelevant how many more inches come off.....Right?
My haircut philosophy is and has always been. Gotta' get your money's worth.
Trims are for WIMPS! That is why when I grow my hair out. I will go MONTHS without a haircut....when Jody hits the salon. Watch out!
So here is my latest on the HAIRCUT WISH LIST

(Sucker Punch's Jenna Malone...pretty awesome haircut and pretty awesome movie)
I know I am not Blonde....and my face is not that trim....it is getting trimmer though :).
Maybe it will be a celebratory haircut after my weight loss challenge ;)!
Pixie Cut, Hair Cut, Cute Hair Cut, Cute Short Hair Cuts,
Friday, August 19, 2011
Phew...what a week!
Well I am coming off a BENDER....a week of full out fun. For the kids that is :).
(I had a little fun myself.)
While I tagged along on the fun fest unfortunately my camera did not.
Due to some technical difficulties this blog post is brought to you by downloaded Facebook Photos and the good old DESCRIPTION of a good time!
SUNDAY-Girls day out at Snowbird Ski Resort. Good times were had with some great Mexican food and yummy Organic (yes organic) Beer. Topping the day off with a GRUELING hike....straight up the mountain.
MONDAY-A visit to see Great Grandma
TUESDAY-Thanksgiving Point Animal Farm with a "Pony Tail" ride as Indiana would say. (Don't you absolutely LOVE kidism's....we WILL devote a blog post sometime.)
THEN off to 80's BUNCO night in Heber....HILARIOUS
WEDNESDAY-A day in the City! Discovery Gateway, Picnic and Water Fun at Liberty Park
THURSDAY-Ahhhh....my day for just a LITTLE downtime.
On the AGENDA for the weekend:
FRIDAY: School Shopping and a Picnic
SATURDAY: A trip to the Uintas
SUNDAY: Maybe a day long bubble bath and a Novel!
Oh also better throw in a Netflix movie....wouldn't want to disappoint the Coyster :)
Did I already mention I am SOOOOOOO ready for school to start???
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Redwood Drive-In Theatre
What could possibly be more All-American-Summer than a Drive-In?!
I don't know about you, but I think Drive-Ins pretty much rank in the top 5 things to do to celebrate summer. Vacations, Swimming, Camping, Drive-In and Mojitos.
Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?
It's really a shame that there aren't many left :(
We happen to be lucky enough to have one within 30 minutes of our house!
I don't know about you, but I think Drive-Ins pretty much rank in the top 5 things to do to celebrate summer. Vacations, Swimming, Camping, Drive-In and Mojitos.
Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?
It's really a shame that there aren't many left :(
We happen to be lucky enough to have one within 30 minutes of our house!
We took M to her very first Drive-In this weekend.
We actually tried earlier this summer, but the drive was just a little too long
Not this time!
She LOVED it!
She was so excited to watch a movie "OUTSIDE MOM!", while sitting in her princess camping chair!
See that bag behind her? Yep, full of candy.
I can't tell you how many summer nights were spent at this Drive-In when I was in High School. SO many good memories!
It was fun to start the tradition with M.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Can a kid EVER have enough fun??
My answer would be NO! While talking this weekend my son told me "I feel like all we have done all summer is watch Netflix and we haven't done anything fun".....Are you KIDDING ME!!! Nope he wasn't.
So I decided to make him a little list (yes a list...those things I love so much) of just how BORING his summer has been. Thought I would share ;).
1. Trip to St. George
2. Visited 10 (yes 10) State Parks
3. Swimming...Swimming...More Swimming
4. Thanksgiving Point Museum of Ancient Life
5. Candy Store
6. Lagoon
7. Fishing at Strawberry Reservoir
8. Two Tramp Sleepovers
9. Three Other Sleepovers
10. St George...again...yawn
11. Fishing at Kolob Reservoir
12. Five Airsoft Battles
13. Hiking...lots of hiking...We Saw Many Waterfalls!
14. Game Nights
15. Redbox Movie Festivals
16. Harry Potter Finale at 6:00 A.M!
17. Marshmallow Roasting, Hot Dog Toasting
18. Slip N Slide straight down a 10 ft slope!
19. Two Firework Extravaganzas
20. Cliff Jumping
21. Lake Swimming
22. Boating
23.Water Balloon Fight(s)
24. Water Balloon Volleyball
25. Hard Drive Smashing
26. Door to Door Selling
27. City of Fun Carnie
28. Not one But Two Parades
29. Target Shooting with Pops
30. Air Hockey Championships
31. Luau
We will even finish up this boring list with a week full of Thanksgiving Point Gardens, Discovery Museum, Liberty Park and oh yeah....maybe even a Netflix movie or two ;).
Kids....Gotta' Love 'Em! But man am I happy for school to start!
St George, Thanksgiving Point, Summer list, Kids, Liberty Park, Cliff Diving, Air Soft Guns, Sleepover, Discovery Museum, Netflix, , Fishing, Slip N Slide, Lagoon, Boating,
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Holy SMACK! What a week!!
This is what I'm dreaming of
This is what I'm dreaming of
Too bad my house is a complete DISASTER and we are supposed to be meeting a foster dog right now.......
Maybe tomorrow!
swimming pool, Wendover, Wendover Nugget, bad week, foster dog, adopting dog, Wendover, Wendover, Wendover, Wendover Nugget, Wendover Nugget Swimming Pool
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Speaking of Lists
Great on Heather for fulfilling more of her Summer List! Too bad I don't live up in the city or I would have tagged along on that picking adventure. Fun Stuff!
Lists...lists...they seem to work opposite for me. Once something makes it ON a LIST it seems to not make it OFF. Take my 31 things list....(Idea courtesy of one of our favorite bloggers Whatever) I saw this idea and thought it was a great one!
So here I am less than one month to my 31st birthday and I have a WHOPPING 28 things still on my list. While some of them are still in the works....like my 20 lbs. to lose....my kissing the kids goodnight EVERY night and the date night once a week. There are many many more that remain unfortunately untouched.
So for now I think I will create a LIST, a LIST of all the reasons....to not create another LIST!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Picking George's
Remodeling Bathroom Round 1:
Our Bathroom has been in dire need of a face lift for a VERY long time.
It is on our "Summer List" and we WILL get it done.
That's me telling myself that come heck or high water, it's happening.
First Stop: GEORGE'S DEMOLITION and SALVAGE, Salt Lake City, Utah
Our Bathroom has been in dire need of a face lift for a VERY long time.
It is on our "Summer List" and we WILL get it done.
That's me telling myself that come heck or high water, it's happening.
First Stop: GEORGE'S DEMOLITION and SALVAGE, Salt Lake City, Utah
Since our house is 116 years old, my man and I are being diligent in keeping things true to it's style. Cottage Style (throwing in some art deco, too).
Built in 1895, it originally sported a nice outhouse in the back yard. A closet and the bathroom were later created by putting a wall up on one side of the kitchen. Meaning our bathroom (and bedroom closet) are very SMALL.
So, a pedestal sink is in order!
While there are certainly many beautiful new choices, we would LOVE to salvage an oldie.
George's is the perfect place to start looking!
His properties are FILLED to the brim with everything architectural antique.
I love it!
Here's "Aisle 9"
Check this out. Wouldn't it be sweet to see these prices again?!
I fell in love with the red star sign the instant I saw it. I've got to find a place for it!
Then I saw this gem. She is at the top of our sink options list.
Picking heaven!
Picking heaven!
George's Demolition and Salvage, George's Demolition and Salvage, Picking, Picking, Pedestal Sink, Pedestal Sink, Bathroom Renovation, Small Bathroom Renovation, Salvage, Pedestal Sink, Small Bath, Historical Home, Historic Bath Renovation, Historic Salvage, Historic Pedestal Sink, Antique Sink, Antique Pedestal Sink, George's Demolition and Salvage, Picking, Picking, Small historic bath remodel, remodel, remodel, Picking, remodel, picking, George's Salvage, pedestal sink, small bath remodel, antique sink, picking, picking, picker
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A Walk Down Memory Lane
My brother was on a mission yesterday....a mission to find ONE photo. One photo on one of my three old computer hard drives. A half a day later....he found it!!
Here it is! In order from left: My Husband, My Brother In Law and My Brother all holding our fast asleep first born's after a LONG day at Disneyland. Once we found it I asked....was it all you remembered it to be. He said "No" I had to laugh pretty hard at that. I however totally SCORED...
How priceless is this! My son (now almost 12) a then 3 year old sporting his cardboard car
Me and my little man.....chillin in the ocean!
Me and the "Coyster" at Zions.
While my brother may have come out of this a little disappointed he definitely made my weekend!
Thanks Brother! You are now forgiven for every fake slug bug you punched me for :).
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